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Top 10 Ways to Know You’re a Political Junkie

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  1. You actually know the names of the top 5 people in line to be President, no matter who is elected! Does this mean you’re getting old?

  2. You know who is running for State Representative and who is leading in the polls for every district in your state.

  3. You watch an infomercial and order a vegamatic, a pocket fisherman, a presidential candidate and, if you order now, get a free vice presidential candidate.

  4. For your Halloween costume – you tape nickles, dimes, and quarters all over your jacket with clear tape and go Trick or Treating as “Real Change We Can All Believe In”

  5. You can name all of the 3rd party candidates on the ballet for president and what those 3 letter party abbreviations are!

  6. When your homeschooling wife mentions a “battleground tour”, you start thinking Maine, Pennsylvania or Florida instead of Gettysburg, Bunker Hill, or Bull Run.

  7. Your 11 year old daughter actually chooses on her own to go to a congressional debate on her birthday instead of McD’s.

  8. When your wife resists a suggestion, you respond with “I’ll bet Sarah Palin could … “. (this has become a great joke at our house (she’s a good sport!))

  9. When you spill coffee on your freshly ironed shirt jerking your head towards the TV when you hear a FoxNews Alert jingle!

  10. When you can’t name one team in the World Series, but you can name every candidate in the primaries and can quote the latest polling results off the top of your head.

  11. When you can’t take the time to type your Top 10 input because you feel compelled to see what the latests polls…

  12. When your kids overhear another adult discussing the candidates by name, (McCain…Obama, etc.) one of them inevitably retorts ‘Oh, yeah – do you mean Barak HUSSEIN Obama?’ with such an emphasis on HUSSEIN that it seems that he must surely be on the terror watch list.

  13. You know you’re a political junkie when you can recite the stocks answers of both candidates before they do.

  14. when you almost laugh outloud at the list but don’t because your wife is asleep and you are reading blogs and checking the polls on your iPhonein bed at 1 in the morning 🙂

  15. Every time I hear a noise in the front yard, I jump up to make sure no one is stealing the little “political signs” in my yard!

  16. You start thinking about fleeing to the mountains “when ye see the OBAMANATION of desolation standing where he ought not” (“loosely” taken from Mark 13:14)

  17. You are glad mowing season is over since there are so many yard signs you can’t maneuver between them any more.

  18. I know I’m a junkie when I park my car strategically so that the maximum # of people will have to see my McCain/Palin window sticker.

  19. You have googled the following phrases:

    Can McCain win?
    How can McCain win?
    Can you trust these polls?
    Land for sale in Alaska?

  20. When 60% of the arrivals in your Inbox are from politically active organizations & 30% are political messages from your friends.

  21. When your OTR truck-driving partner’s 6 year old grandson is caught smiling while listening to Fox News on his iPod.

  22. You Know You’re a Political Junkie when your mood for the day is set by the margin in the polls between McCain and Obama; actually mood is set for the hour because the polls are all over the place.

  23. When your 3 year old knows the names of both candidates and can recognize the political signs. And your 8 and 6 year old tell why they’re voting for McCain.

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