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It’s Hard Being Content

Hey Dad,

I don’t know what my deal is today…but I’m feeling ‘low.’ I know it’s cause…I’ve been comparing again, Normally, I couldcompare care less about folks who are more successful that me, after all, I feel like I’ve got the best life in the world. But last night that discontentment started inching it’s way into my inner core.

It all started on Facebook (doesn’t it always?). I was looking at another ministry leader’s page and was blown away by all the traffic, likes, shares, views, and Facebooky stuff. I told myself, “You just do what you do, Todd. Be a good dad and love your wife…that’s success!”

But it didn’t work. My mind wouldn’t shut off last night just thinking about the whole Facebook thing. Then I woke up and saw an email of a “young man” we know who is doing amazing things in science.

“Wow, he’s amazing…my kids could never… for that matter I could never!!!”

And now I’m…low. It’s hard to shake. It may even intensify when I go to get in my big 14 passenger rust-bucket…or wonder why my old computer isn’t running like it should…or view all those blogs and writers who are followed by hordes of people. In fact, as the moments tick away I just feel…lower.

But here’s the truth: discontent is just that…discontent. It’s not about talking yourself into being satisfied with you miserable lot in life, it’s about BEING satisfied with what God has given you and placed you. It’s an act of the will. Just like The Apostle Paul’s said, “…I will be content”

But here’s the deal: there are places like Facebook that breed discontentment. I know people who are hugely successful who can’t go to Facebook because, in their words, “I feel discouraged when I leave.” They feel it because of all the wonderful relationships, husbands who romance their wives, wives who can’t keep their hands of their husbands, kids who always obey, and families that seem to frolic through everyday life.

It used to be that the only people you could observe were those around you. Not anymore. Now we can get a daily update on all our ‘friends’ whenever we like. Of course we all know that what we see isn’t the truth…but we often feel discouraged just the same.

I don’t know how you’re feeling, Dad, as you compare your life to other men…but my advice to you is DON’T COMPARE YOUR LIFE TO OTHER MEN!!! If that means you stay away from Facebook and other sources of discontentment, then do it.

You and I are blessed. And we WILL be content, and smile like we believe it.

You ‘da dad,




This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Great post.

    I usually refer to Facebook as “Fakebook” because of all the fake lives being portrayed there. I was on it for a while and actually ditched my account due to something you wrote about four or five years ago. But my wife still has an account, and we agree that it’s ok for her. Anyway, she had it pulled up the other day and I started firing off names of co-workers for her to look up. I was amazed at how much thinner and happier EVERYONE was in their photos. None of those people look like that at work. It was all fake and everyone should know that when they’re looking at it all. Same thing with Instagram, etc. and all the rockstar poses and dolled up photos of self. I’m not saying it’s all bad (I have an Instagram account) but, as you always say, keep it real.


    To want what others have that you can’t afford,
    To feel like you are missing out on trips that other take,
    To fell disconnected because you can not participate
    and all the other stuff we crave but can’t have!!!

    But as a GREAT DAD told me the first time I meet him “If it’s hard then it is good!!” You remember those words, I do often. I need them more and more as my kids grow, the economy stinks and our country keeps losing all it’s values. I know I am blessed and it is great to friends like you remind me though your words of encouragement during those “low” times. .

    You may not have all those things the other ministry has, but remember GOD has put you here for many reasons and one of those is to do what you do to you reach people and the way you do it, that sticks with them. So from me and I am sure from your other followers THANK YOU!!!

    YOU DA DAD!!!

    Micheal in Tampa

  3. Thanks for sharing. I appreciate your words too Caleb and Michael. I am praying to God that he makes me the best father and husband ever. Life is hard – thankfully we have Jesus to see us to the end. Keep the faith and make it to the finish line, ultimately it will be just you and God. Peace be with you!

  4. Thanks, Todd.
    I feel the same way when I look at Facebook. But I know I am blessed with a wonderful family and a good job in the ministry. It starts when we begin to compare and start thinking “what if I had…”

    Blessings to you. Thanks so much for the newsletters, they are often an encourager to me.

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