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Men – The Best and Worst Gifts you Ever Got

This might not only be fun to hear but has the potential to rock the husband/dad gift receiving world.

So let me hear about the best or worst gift you ever got for Christmas.

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  1. My mother-in-law knew my wife collected Holly Hobbie plates as a child. One year the in-laws gave me several Holly Hobbie plates for “MY” present. Just what I never wanted!

  2. Now for the best: I played French Horn in high school and a little in college, but always school horns. My parents surprised me a few years ago with a new French Horn! I now play in our church orchestra and love it to this day!

  3. PS – That’s me with the fiberglass shark I got two Christmases ago. Not as cool as my all time best Christmas present of a real buffalo head, but a great gift none the less.

  4. Best: one year, my wife creates three challenges for me to overcome to open an official Indiana Jones fedora.

    Worst: my wife suffers from extreme orthopedic pain. I often give her massages. One year, she gave me a massager… To use on her.

  5. One year I jokingly said I wanted maple syrup, a snugglie (that fleecy robe thing) and Stetson Cologne.

    Guess what showed up under the tree that year? YIKES!

    Best: after I opened up my syrup, stetson, and snugglie, my kids brought out a new set of ski’s, ski boots and poles for me (my real gift!).

  6. Worst (oddest) I once got a whole 4 pack of toilet paper from my mother in law. Think she was trying to tell me something?

    Best – a brand new baby girl born just before Christmas 2000!

  7. Best gift: I ride my motorcycle year-round here in Northern Indiana (I’m just down the road from Todd, actually!) as part of my main transportation. My wife got me a heated vest that plugs in to the bike’s electrical system and keeps me a lot warmer than I could just by bundling up alone!

    Worst Gift: A subscription to Highlights magazine. I was 13.

  8. My grandmother gave me plastic salt and pepper shakers. She said “ you never know when you might want a little salt.” I know it’s not for Christmas!

  9. Best: Porcelain dog – I told my co-workers that my family gave me a dog for Christmas, then pulled out the porcelain puppy. Still have it on my desk after 8 years.
    Worst: Christmas coffee mug.

  10. Last year I got a new iPod Nano for Christmas. The gift was nice, but the best benefit was that my oldest son & I now share (some) music and can have discussions about groups, styles, who’s the best guitarist, etc. I discovered I actually liked some of his music and he discovered the old man had some good CDs too.

  11. my 7 yr. old youngest son wrapped work shoes for me, (ones I’d been wearing for the last year.) It was great fun. Almost as fun as the 4 pack of lysol toilet cleaner he got the year before.

  12. A few years ago my wife put together a photo album of pictures. What made this the best Christmas gift was, the pictures in it were ones that I had not seen in years. My parents had divorced when I was in High School and my mom “got rid” of a lot of things that reminded her of my dad. I started to cry when I opened the gift because in it were pictures I thought she had thrown out. One of the cool things about this gift is that my mom sat down with my wife and helped her put it together. So, the album from my wife was wonderful, but the fact that my mom has forgiven my dad and was willing to travel back to memories of her marriage with him to bless me for Christmas was great.

  13. Chiming in late here, but the worst was my mother-in-law give me and my two brother-in-laws all the same UGLY sweater in different colors…the best was my one brother-in-law got the receipt from her (other brother-in-law still wears the sweater)

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