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The movement begins TODAY!!!

One of the non-perks of being the Familyman is that I see first hand the destruction of families. It usually looks like this: I  speak at a church, camp, or group and then within a few months I get an email from a dad or mom that states, “We saw you last summer…but we’re not married anymore.”

I hate those emails. Not that I’m shocked, because marriage is hard!!!! It’s hard to live with someone who doesn’t act and feel like you. If you think I’m talking about other marriages I’m not. Marriage is hard in my house, too!!!! If it was just about two people that would be bad, but marriage is not about two people. It’s about family, friends, the entire body of Christ, even the world. Marriage is in danger…and we’re the ones who have weakened it!

So I’m starting a movement…at least I think I am. I’m going to try anyway. I think it’s time we raise our hand and said, “I’m staying married.” Let’s not pretend that it’s easy or that we always have to smile or even like each other, but we’re staying married.

Husbands need to take the lead and shout it from the battle field of family, “I’m staying married.” Come Hell or high water…I’m staying married. I’m doing it for my kids, my grand children…and my future great, great, great, great, grandchildren. I’m staying married because I said I’d love my wife ’till death do us part. I’m staying married because my children need me to stay married. I’m staying married because my wife needs me to. I’m staying married because God needs me to show the world what marriage looks like so that they can know how much God loves his bride.

Others may redefine marriage, lessen it’s value, or refuse to accept it, but I’M STAYING MARRIED!!!!!

I mean forever. No matter what. I may be neglected, hurt, and betrayed, but I’m staying married. I can’t do it without God’s help…but I’m staying married.

I’m staying Married!! I’m staying married!! I’m staying Married!

Join the movement and get your shirt that says it plain and simple #stayingmarried (our website is on the back so others can join the movement)

What we need is a bunch of dads at poolsides, ballgames, amusement parks, gas stations, Walmarts, back yard barbecues, and bait shops who aren’t afraid to let those know that we’re staying married.


You with me?!!!

Join the movement!

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. A few years back I got a great “I (heart) My Hot Wife” t-shirt from the apparently defunct I’ve gotten more comments on that shirt than any other, ever. Looks like this is the new best thing, and my wife can match!

  2. My husband gave me this shirt yesterday . It was my birthday. I’m not a big fan of wearing matching shirts but I know it meant a great deal to him and because I love him I wore it out while we were running errands. We had at least 6 different people comment on our shirts….very vocal about how much they LOVE it! My son called for my bday and asked what’s up with the shirt. He said it looks like we had trouble in our marriage and have overcome it….kind of like one who is a cancer survivor. I laughed at that because we’ve never been at a place of divorce let alone separation. But the more I’ve thought about it the more I think he is right. We have worked hard at our marriage….we have allowed God to conform us to His image and help us to “die” to our flesh in our marriage. We could have gone down the path that leads to separation and divorce but we haven’t because we have allowed ourselves to be conformed to God’s Word….not just reading it but actually doing what it says. BOTH of us! It hasn’t always been easy…but well worth it. We are more “in love” now than ever before. We will be celebrating 27 years of marriage on our next anniversary. I’m so thankful to be married to a man who works hard at loving me like Christ loved the church.

  3. As soon as I can scrape up some extra cash I will have one of these shirts. I want to wear it to work (yes I will be out of uniform) . I want to see the look on the H R lady’s face when I turn in my notice that I am quitting. You see my wife had a stroke the week before Christmas last year. The H R lady told me that I should put her in a nursing home because marriage is a silly commitment and the vow that you take when you get married doesn’t mean anything.. I was so choked up by her comment that I walked out of the office. I am trying to stay at work until the end of the year but it is hard. I keep hearing her voice,its just a silly commitment that doesn’t mean anything.. The lord answered my prayers last fall and he did not take my wife home, she is still with me but it is a challenge trying to work and trying to care for my wife, because I made a commitment and gave my word.”TILL DEATH do us part.You see the doctors told me that she would not make it through the night but by the grace of God she is still here with me.

    1. Praying for you, praying for your treasured wife. Hope these other voices confirming the Wonderous Blessing Marriage is.. replaces the sad bitter comment from an unhappy person. God Bless!

  4. I mentioned this to Mrs. Familyman at the MPE Conference, but my Hubby won’t let me buy him another t-shirt unless it is a “Tall”. Let me know when you all make some Large Tall sizes, and I will order us a set of these! Love your ministry! And so excited for all the books and things we bought at your booth. Hope you all make it back sooner than 8 years next time!!

    1. Tall sizes are hard to come by int he T shirt market. I’ll keep looking. Have you thought about getting two shirts and sewing them together? 🙂

      1. I’m in on the “tall” order. Mine from a year ago is too short now. But I still wear it any way. I’m 6’6″ and large tall would be great for me also!

  5. My wedding was just a few days away. I was out picking up some dinner for the ladies who were making little wedding curios with my wife-to-be at her place. I ran into a friend from college at the restaurant, who I hadn’t seen in many years. He asked what I was up to, I happily told him about my wife and the gaggle of women I was picking up dinner for, and our plans to get married the following weekend. Many people will freely give their advice about marriage without even being asked, and most is worth what you pay for it. But I will never forget what my friend told me, standing in that restaurant. Because he had just finalized a divorce with his wife of ten years.

    My friend told me, “When I think about the things I was upset about back then, and the life I live now, it all seems so stupid and petty and small now. I traded getting my way, and pride and arrogance, for being able to tuck in my girls and take care of my wife, and having a real family to come home to. I think about them all the time, but I live alone, and am barely involved in their lives anymore. I feel like everything important has been taken away, and I’m stuck living on scraps. If I had it to do over again, I would walk through fire to keep my marriage together.”

    I will never forget that divine encounter, just days before my wedding. Whenever I have to have a difficult conversation with my wife, or when I need to make a personal change, to lay down my pride, I think about my friend, and what I would trade for the precious gift of a strong marriage, and a loving family. It reminds me of why I’m #stayingmarried.

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