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The In-Your-Facers

in-your-faceHey Dad,

I’m hoping this won’t seem controversial…but even if it is…I’m broaching the subject.

Let me begin by saying, I believe that homosexuality is wrong. God said it and I believe it. To be clear I don’t HATE homosexuals. I just don’t like it pushed in my face.

OK, now my story. Last Thursday my family and I were on our way to Peoria, IL. Along the way we stopped at McDonalds. While we were ordering I noticed a woman with a guy’s haircut and clothes complete with giant hickeys on her neck. She was with another young girl and they obviously looked like a couple. That’s not new to me…but it still feels uncomfortable, but I was pretty sure my kids wouldn’t pick up on it so I relaxed.

But moments later it went beyond uncomfortable. They sat just a few seats away, seemed aware that others were watching, and seemed to play to the awkwardness. Taking it up a notch in loudness.

At one point a young McDonald’s employed approached them (maybe he knew them) and said something across the table. Something happened and the guy/girl boldly lip locked the other girl for the world to see.

Then another young  woman walked over and said something about others being bothered and not wanting their kids to see what they were doing (we have a lot of Amish/Mennonite/Bible believing folks in the area). At the same time several McDonald’s employees gathered around the girls and it seemed to ramp up even more.

Now I didn’t hang around long enough to see how it played out, but the entire time I felt bothered and angry.

Again, let me state that I don’t hate homosexuals…I just don’t like the in-your-face attitude. I would never go to Jewish area and boldly eat pork chops. You don’t have to agree with someone to be respectful.

So here’s the dilemma, I need a plan in this increasingly in your face homosexual world. I’m not talking about handing a tract out to every same sex couple I see. If they want to live that way, I’m OK with that. It’s their life and their right. But when my children and I are forced to see flaming in your face homosexual behavior, I need a way to say something.

That’s why I’m writing this. It’s not because I hate them…I just don’t want to watch them do it in our safe places (there are plenty of places they can do it without me watching). I’m the protector and have a responsibility to guard and protect my children.

I wish I didn’t have to say anything (I don’t like confrontation). I wish that they would just have common courtesy for others who might not agree with them.

We have some lake neighbors who talk like drunk sailors. The F words flies fast and furious, but even the neighbor acknowledges that we wouldn’t appreciate it and tries to keep it down.

It maybe old fashioned, but now common courtesy isn’t common. So what do I do as a dad and how do I do it?

And hear this: if the in-your-facers what to make a big deal about it, they may force me to get in their face.

Because I’m ‘da dad,

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PS – The comments below should be nice comments. I’m not looking for meanness…just help in dealing with a very real dilemma.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. How about approaching it from the concept of private behavior. You wouldn’t really want your family watching anyone engaged in an in your face lip-lock, heterosexual or homosexual, would you? Perhaps if you feel the need to approach the couple, simply saying something that suggests that sort of behavior should be done in private. While it will probably be difficult, I would try not to make it about the homosexuality, but about the in your face lip-lock. I do realize, however, that will not be easy because they will want to turn it around on you.

  2. I agree with Laura, because I don’t want my kids watching people making out in Micky D’s no matter WHAT their gender. I don’t really know what specifically to say or do, but inappropriate behavior is inappropriate no matter who you are. I don’t make out with my husband in public places, and I have gay friends who when in public wouldn’t dream of it either. Some folks want to sensationalize their personal lives, I think it’s more of the Jerry Springer mentality of making a scene because they can. I was at a Chris Tomlin concert last month with my kiddos and the couple in front of us kept smooching. My 9 year old son didn’t like that very much. 🙂

  3. I get where you are coming from but I would leave before I felt like I had a right or an obligation to confront someone over behavior that doesn’t meet standards that I hold to. Nobody can force you to get in their face. (No your brother did not make you hit him, you chose to hit him.) There is a whole pile of positive lessons your kids can learn from you in a situation like that by how you respond. That couple also just gave you a great teaching opportunity. This kind of stuff will get worse before it gets better.

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