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A Letter to Bill Nye the Science Guy

Dear Mr. Science Guy,

I’ve always been a big fan. When your show hit the air waves, I thought your method of teaching simple, science bill nyeconcepts was incredibly effective. In fact, I modeled a Bible teaching aid to kids after your model.

I mourned when I heard the news you died and was pleasantly surprised to hear you were still alive. The world just seemed happier knowing that the Bill Nye and his little bow tie still roamed the earth.

But now…I’m not so happy. Not that I wished you were dead or anything like that, I just don’t like your tone, message, or intellectual put downs. You’ve come across as a bow tie wearing, crazy man, hell-bent on preaching the gospel of evolution.

Not that we haven’t had evolutional-evangelists before, but you seemed to have crossed the line and have used your likable ‘I’m smart because I wear a bow tie and a lab coat persona” and have taken your listeners into Mr. Rogers’ land of make believe.

First it was your emoticon teaching, and then I heard a snippet of your conversation with Ira Flatow on NPRs Science Friday. I was taken aback by your words and arrogance. You throw millions and billions around carelessly and indiscriminately in order to strengthen your argument.

You accuse everyone who doesn’t believe as you as unscientific Neanderthals. There are a bunch of smart people (maybe even smarter than you who don‘t wear lab coats or bow ties) who would strongly disagree with your conclusions who you dismiss with the wave of your hand or goofy looking emoticons.

You assert things that you know little about so…so…emphatically. Oh, you say them well, with enthusiasm and charm. Your strongest argument is not science but charisma.

I’m sorry, but evolution makes no logical sense no matter how many million billion years you sprinkle in the pot. Do you honestly believe that some amino acid woke up and over billions of years evolved and adapted in a million different ways so that some of its great great…grand ancestors became giant redwoods, some became Goliath Beatles, some became the weird looking Babirusas, and still others evolved into beings that listening to created music on created computers, pondering thoughts about their beginnings. Queue the trolley music Mr. Rogers.

Here’s the deal, Mr. Fiction Guy. Believe what you want to believe, but don’t package it with SCIENCE. Using the word ‘science’ over and over again doesn’t mean it’s true. Your argument doesn’t sound knowledgeable, it sounds arrogant and empty. It’s intellectual bullying.

Maybe if you’d put aside your preconceived notions about life without a creator and take an honest look around, you’d discover the creator’s fingerprints on EVERYTHING.

Now a clever scientist, like you, might say to me, “You should do the same”…and I guess if I put aside a belief in a creator I’d have to come up with something…and maybe the implausible act of evolution would be the best I could imagine…especially if you’d let me add in a few billion years to the impossible ’soup’ making it seem…possible.

Thanks for…considering the previous,

signature blog

Todd Wilson the…nothing cool rhymes with my name person

PS – I’m not stupid, just ask my mom.



This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. I’m an engineer and a Christian; and strictly from a scientific / logical point of view, my faith aside…

    I would much rather live my life here on Earth, practicing all the principles of love taught by my Savior, die, and find out that there is no God; than live my life out here on Earth as if there was no God, only to die… and find out there IS.

    let’s try one of these hashtag things all the trendy people are doing… #eternityisalongfreakintime

    Keep on keeping on, Familyman!

  2. I also enjoy Mr. Nye. I personally have a lot of respect for the man as an educator. He really makes
    science come alive.
    Since he is not a believer I think it is only natural for him that our belief in a Creator seems foolish. i Corinthians 2:14 tells us that “the natural man (the person who is not a believer in Jesus) does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
    He is still responsible to God, of course, and should know that there is a God based on seeing the things that are created. “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20).
    I regularly pray for Mr. Nye. He is a very kind man who is lost without a knowledge of God. I pray He will come to the knowledge of the truth and the salvation of his soul.

  3. Mr Nye’s views were highlighted in a recent issue of Popular Science and I must say that after reading the article I was saddened and grieved more than shocked and disappointed. I like the way that Bill Nye can engage people in learning more about the world and universe that we are a part of but the article made it clear that he was in a fight to “enlighten” people to the views of evolution. Christians (myself included) have also long treated this as a fight that needs to be won with little concern or care for the real people on the other side of the “battle line”. The clear hostility towards “dumb Christians” really challenged me to rethink my approach and to first submit my views through the lens of how God can be glorified through interactions with people who do not share the same views as I do. I would only hope and pray that Bill Nye would read your blog and be open to meaningful discussions with real sinners who have recognized the need for a savior and who want the same for him.

  4. This made me smile, then laugh and almost cry. I love Bill Nye. I really do. As a former school teacher, I showed many of his videos to my elementary students. And I agree, when Bill is talking science, he knows what he is talking about. Unfortunately, evolution isn’t real science. Of course many, including Bill, would pooh-pooh that statement, but millions or billions of years cannot be verified, only assumed. And without millions or billions of years the theory falls apart. More importantly, God’s Word tells us how the world began. “In the beginning God created…” Therefore, I have placed my trust in the Word of God because His fingerprints are all over the universe. Finally, let’s not forget to lovingly speak words of kindness to those we disagree with and pray that they will come to understand the truth.

  5. Todd Wilson the Family Shmilson…

    (You gotta go on the deep web to find the definition of shmilson. The super deep web… deeper… )

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