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It’s the Middle of JULY!!!!

Hey Dad,

I don’t mean to alarm you, but it’s the middle of July…as in not the beginning of summer, but the MIDDLE…as in it won’t lightning-bug-jarbe long before it’s the END of summer. Now I don’t want you to get caught watching the paint dry, so if you’ve got some summer plans to accomplish, get at it.

In fact, last night as we were driving down an Indiana, country road and the fields were dotted with lightning bugs. I’m telling you, that if you have little kids…they want to hunt them, capture them, and they want to do it with you!!!

I know it seems like a pain, but it’s not and will take less than a half and hour of your time.

Need a little more convincing? read this letter from a mom –

“After fireworks on the weekend before the Fourth, my husband saw a minivan pulling into an ice cream place.  He smiled and nodded and pointed at the van and said, “You ‘da Dad.”  Our boys (6 & 4) heard that in the back seat and asked, “What did you say Dada?”  So we had to explain to him what that phrase meant, that Todd the Familyman says that when Dads do something great.  And then literally explain that “‘da” means “the.”  =)  

The next day when my husband played outside with them and put our kiddie pool at the bottom of our play-set slide so they could splash into water coming down the slide, they said “You ‘da Dad!”  It was too cute!  They’ve said it many times since, anytime Dad does something great or fun with them.  They also started saying, “You ‘ma Mom” to me when I do fun things for them!  It’s precious!”

Need I say more? Go hunt some lightning bugs, put a slide in the kiddie pool, or go for a bike ride.

You ‘da dad,


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