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It’s ALL BROKE!!!!

mushroom cloudHey Dad,

It’s amazing how everything around me is broken. What’s worse is that I can feel like I might be next on the list!!!

We’ve already had two of our cars into the shop and yesterday while I was taking the RV to the RV fixer, one of my cars had a flat. Now it could have been fixed fairly easily, but my inexperienced driver who was following me didn’t know that the ‘thumping’ sound was not good and continued to drive said car with said flat tire until it was shredded. To add insult to injury we could get the tire off because it was rusted to the wheel…thing!!!! Had to go home and get a big hammer to knock it off.

The kids are having a ball being home…and are making messes faster than humanly possible. I’ve got bikes everywhere and junk strewn across my yard. Bless their hearts.

I feel like my fuse is getting short as my list gets bigger. Breath, Todd.

Theses are the times when dads should not be allowed to operate heavy machinery.

Just thought you’d like to know.



This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. All of us dads feel like that frequently. God has your back and will continue to bless you and your family and your grandchildren due to your mission & impact on father’s all over the world.

  2. Hang in the “Job”! You have been running on the mountain tops for a while and now you are in the valley. Got to remember that good things grow in the valley, like patience, understanding and things to add to a short fuse! Praying for you Todd

  3. It is good to share with others and not take it out on the kids. Good things are rarely easy. Praying for you.

  4. Hang in there buddy! Now is when the kids are looking the closest at you and how you react to all the broke stuff.

  5. Memories buddy….those that you can never erase, so when they are all grown up and raising their families you’ll have those back there in the hard drive and remember when, that one ran the tire flat and couldn’t get the tire off and that trip around the planet earth in that RV when that car took off the corner of the RV and GOD protected us through it all… GOD LOVE YOU ALL…Thanks For doing what you do Brother… Da Other Dads….

  6. FYI, if you ever encounter another “wheel rusted to the thingy”… just put a couple of lugnuts back on loosely, lower the car & drive slowly forward a few feet. It’ll pop free like a champ! No BIG hammer required.
    Great job keeping it all in perspective!

  7. Todd,
    I AM WITH YA!!! But as I try to do in these times is be THANKFUL for what I have good. MY Family!!! Since your one podcast when Scott talked about his friend that has the son who he has to do surgery for his back every 6 months, these non-important things do not matter. FAMILY MATTERS!!! Praying for you and your family. Keep up the great work cause “You Da Dad”

  8. Our yard looks almost pristine. No bikes or toys scattered around. No kids around either….they are all grown up. Just to give you a little perspective. The day will come when you will actually miss the chaos!

  9. Todd,

    I admire your candid sharing of the challenges you face throughout being an INVOLVED FATHER!

    Oh I am glad for you being willing to participate in your household! Don’t stop!

    As a wife and mother pretty much abandoned to homeschooling and raising our children while my husband built his career and then destroyed it by adultery and having two children with his adulteress how I wish my husband would have stopped long enough in his pleasure seeking and power brokering to accept the exhortations from me and the needs we had for HIMSELF in our family!

    Now he is staying in our marriage as he always told the OW he would but he is still distant and aloof , He sleeps upstairs as our two adult daughters are missing out on what their own adulthood might have brought .

    The Word sustains us but the loss of their childhood with an involved father and now their adult lives slipping away as they try to manage his vacancy in my life is sorrowful.

    He is a ‘fairweather father ‘ to the children he had with the OW since he has nothing more to do with her either. He did not take interest in learning what marriage and fatherhood though he was often requested to join us and warned of the losses. He simply refused to believe that it was important enough.

    Whenever we had any household things I could not manage alone he would say as he went out the door to the office [ girlfriend] or golf …”Hire someone’

    We might have hired a predator but he did not care if we were at risk ..He knew I had ‘Jesus’ …but I believe the God charged the husband with the care of so many things that my husband simply refused to see as the blessing that would have grown him !

    My husband sacrificed the childhood of his children to continue his own. Now his refusal to take up any kind of healing of our relationship is costing all of us the life that was available to walk in.

    He and the OW made a ‘deal’ based upon sex and money , there was NEVER any plan to leave me and she simply ‘made that deal’ . The having of children was only for her to become ‘attached’ to our finances. She is not attentive to the children and has left them alone day and night since they were very small . One has epelpsy .

    My husband has continued to be involved with them but I am not since the OW is unstable and I also do not want to harm my children’s hearts further.

    Now 33 years married with his 14 year adultery …what a sad mess. If he had been more involved with raising our children I feel he could never have gone this route. He also wants to protect the other children but he has little influence upon them. nor time.

    The time he does spend he takes from his office time which is offensive to our children since his main excuse for being gone all the time in their lives was his all important career. He also does not know how to build a relationship with the other children.

    I did my best to give our children a godly upbringing and equipping with the Word …My husband and this OW have raised two children whose mother is self proclaimed leftest, New Ager.

    I pray that these will be convicted and turned to the Lord but the teenager has already told my husband that she hates Christianity.

    SO my point in this long post is to exhort and confirm to those Dads who recognize that ‘loving ‘ your children involves being INVOLVED in their lives is so awesome .

    I do not cry often but I find tears in my eyes when reading of the wonderful Dad’s who are wise enough to recognize the blessing in disguise of those times with their children that are challenging and bring them to their knees in gratitude and sometimes panic ! It is such a precious trust we have ,

    Thank you to all you Dad’s who are smart enough to get in there in the trenches and make the difference in the lives of your children and to LOVE your OWN wife ….there is nothing to replace you anytime…even on your worst day !

    I praise GOD for your many sacrifices of love for all you have made the effort to keep GOD and your wife and family the priority in your lives…I will be WORTH IT!

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