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The Worst Christmas EVER!!!

Last year we spent Christmas Eve in the emergency room and all our warm fuzzy plans were destroyed. I’ve heard other Christmas Eve horror stories. If you just experienced a particularly hard Christmas Eve or Day, I’d like to hear about it. Share your story here.

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  1. After leaving the in-laws with loads of gifts and driving at 20mph the whole way home due the “wonderful” white Christmas we were receiving, upon returning home I heard my hydraulic water pump going. Turns out my main sump pump had died but was saved by my backup. I am “blessed” with a pack-rat mentality and pulled out the original 11 year old sump pump that I had saved from about 8 months prior when I had replaced it. After about 90 minutes, and at about 2:30am I was able to make it to bed and able to make the trip to my parents the next morning knowing my basement would be safe for at least a few days. Fortunately Santa still delivered all the great presents even though we didn’t get the cookies out on time.

    So.. not terrible like the ER, but still not the most fun way of spending Christmas Eve.

  2. 2010 was challenging. My brother in-law was in a major skiing accident on the 17th and was in the hospital until the 29th about 3.5 hours from home. So my wife Cindy and I spent alot of time apart from each other and away from home. In all we had a Christmas Miracle as he broke his back, leg, ribs, with a lot of internal injuries. The first miracle – he is alive! To top that off he is recovering, lots of pins and rods, but recovering. We finally took time with our boys and had our Family Christmas on the 30th. God is good!

  3. In 2010, my then 5 yr old son was experiencing stomach pains just before we were scheduled to have all the family over for Christmas Eve. I had to take our son to the emergency room that afternoon, while my wife and other children celebrated Christmas Eve with her family. We feared of an issue with his appendix, however fortunately he was just moderately backed up. Nothing a little laxative couldn’t solve. We got home that evening around 11:30, just after everyone left. My son opened the gifts that he received just before bed that night. Although he missed out on the family celebration, my son and I had many memories to share in the hospital and we still had a great Christmas day.

  4. My family completely missed the whole holiday season this year. On Dec 16th my stepmom (my dad’s wife) passed away after 6 months of health problems. We go down to Mississippi (8 hours of driving) for the funeral and we have to take my dad to the ER for hip and back pain. After 5 days of testing he is diagnosed with esophagus cancer that has spread to his bone joints and his liver which makes it stage 4 cancer (treatable but not curable) and is given about 6 months to live. We spent a lot of time at 2 different hospitals and even the little time at my dad’s home was spent taking care of him as he has a good bit of pain. The week after Christmas my family spent apart from each other and we finally got to open the Christmas presents on Jan 2nd.

  5. I am a Police Chief. At about 3:30am on Christmas Day 2010 my wife and I were merrily wrapping the last of the gifts. My phone started going off and I was told that three of my officers were involved in a police action shooting! I rushed to get dressed and then to the scene. Fortunately, all my guys were physically ok. The up shoot was that we usually get up about 6am and go through our routine of opening gifts, eating breakfast and generally making fond new memmories (all caught on film, of course). So, about 6am as I was attending to my duties at work from covering shifts to arranging counseling to dealing with the media to working a criminal case against the defendant, I started receiving texts from my 10 year old. “Daddy, when r u coming home” “ I wanna open presents” “How about now?” etc. Anyway, all ended well and we just shoved it back to the afternoon but not something I want to repeat. We still got to do everything and more importantly all my guys went home to their families and traditions as well.

  6. Probably a little late to tell what happen to us, but going to tell anyway. Because we need a lot of prayer! My husband of 26 yr, & he is only 51 of this next Wed, had a heart attack on the 22th of Dec., so we spent Christmas in ICU,(in Kansas, we live in Ok) I had a dinner all lined up, my sister was coming to town! But, I pray everyday because he is doing great, & finally we are at home, He came home with me, & our family is truly blessed he is still with us.I thank God every day since then, he was 2hrs away from a hospital, out in the middle of nowhere,it had to be the grace of God that kept him alive. It was the best Christmas Ever!!!!

  7. My worst Christmas ever? a long time ago,but sort of hard to forget! My spouse and I had gone out to a party on Christmas eve.When we came home about 11:30pm we found that our house had been broken into. The new TV was gone,all our presents had been opened, most had been taken, a few were left. It was our first year as a married couple…Not a great beginning!

  8. On Christmas morning 2002, we took our 9 day old newborn to the emergency room in Salem, Oregon. He had a fever, was dehydrated and such, but Grandman was able to watch our 5 yr old son until we got home 7 hours later. We rejoiced that baby James was going to be ok, and felt very blessed to have such a hands on Grandmother and a very mature 5 year old. Only after we came home did we open our presents and eat leftovers from the previous night. That worse Christmas actually became one of our best Christmas ever!

  9. Please pray for us as the Lord leads you. We did have a nice Christmas morning and afternoon. However in the evening, my daughter and I got into an argument and she ended up taking overdose of her antidepressant medication. My anger was the catalys to this. We as a family had been experiencing difficulty and we are currently coming back stateside to get help. We have lived and worked, ministered as missionaries overseas for the last ten years. I appreciate very much your prayers for us. I will continue to be ‘Da Dad…just pray I will see everything I need to see. Thanks.

  10. I had started a new job on the east coast in mid Oct. with the thought the family would be following right behind me. Days turned into weeks that turned into months. The most joyous time of year for my wife turned into a time she wants to forget. Instead of decorating and baking and listen to Christmas music she spent the holiday season trying to kill mice and waiting for everything to come together to move east and be a family. My wife and my kids got the moving trucks on the 2nd of Jan and loaded them up. On the 4th I flew to OK to see my wife and kids for the first time in two and half months. We drove east the next day and moved into our new house on the 6th. To make matters worse our anniversary was Dec. 27th.

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