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Dad icon

Hey Dad,

I was in the airport looking at some shirt that had a little beach ball icon printed on the front that seemed to embodied summer. I thought about how a gavel represents a judge, a stethoscope a doctor, and an apple a teacher.

It got me thinking, “What simple icon would represent a dad?”

Got any ideas? Share them here.

This Post Has 47 Comments

  1. A picture from the neck down of a Dad hugging a child and in his left hand he’s holding a worn Bible loaded with bookmarks (from family devotions) and I like wedding band visisble from Matthew included here; or blend this in with Andy’s kid on shoulders; or Smith’s or Cook’s ideas

  2. These are all so good! You could put lots of them together and have a t-shirt. A man holding hands with a little one, his other hand has a tool, a Bible tucked under his arm, and his shirt has an anchor on it and says “Dad” 🙂

  3. The “S” symbol as in Superman combined with a cross: strong as Superman but with the humble example of the cross.

  4. A smooth ROCK. I say a smooth rock because a dad doesn’t want to be too rough with his family, but he does need to be firm at times. He also needs to be smooth with his wife, yet protecting to all at times. He also needs to be strong or unbreakable. Go for the ROCK.

  5. Hi!
    Just reading down through the comments and they’re all fine I’m sure, but aren’t we supposed to be everything to our kids? Hard, soft. Weak, strong. Playful, stern. I see how I fail to be everything to my kids all day, week, month, year long. But then I see God’s grace all the more clearly! Maybe an icon is not such a great idea. It can sometimes make a great task (fatherhood, in this case) seem somewhat smaller. And the truth is, we have such a high calling as it is! I don’t mean to put a damper on things, I try not to be such a wet blanket as that, but the truth is our duties as fathers are far beyond what any symbol or icon can ever represent, and perhaps we ought not to even try. Sorry for being a spoilsport, love all you fathers so much, just trying to love your kids. Kudos to you all.

  6. I like the duct tape idea, maybe a empty roll with just a strip left, very cool. Another idea would be an Ant, always working, always taking care of the queen, always coming home with what the home needs and really strong!!!

  7. It’s a shield with a cross in the middle as the torso to represent protecting our family, with pom poms sticking out as arms to represent how we encourage our families, it has a lightbulb for the head to show all the bright ideas we have, it’s the belt of duct tape (for the obvious reasons), legs of nails to represent both the nails on the cross and how we fix things, and finally feet of rocks to show the solid foundation we provide.

  8. Good ones Ethos. I would add to the list a tool belt with tools (of course) and the duct tape as you suggested. But also hanging on the belt would be a heart an umbrella and a wallet.

  9. The first thing I thought of was larger male hand holding a child’s hand.

    Then I thought of a tie :-).

    I like the tool idea, guy pushing a lawnmower, man in family group, dad and bike, and the dad with kid on shoulders. So many great ideas.

    And I like the idea of a dad with a baseball glove playing catch.

    By the way Todd, you should make yourself a blog icon with your eyes and glasses and your big smile and a crew cut.

    A cartoon/drawn image with those things highlighted would be really cool to see on your blog instead of just a photo.

  10. A dad sitting on a bed reading a book to a child or two or three….

    Or A dad in a playground setting pushing a swing or throwing a ball with kids…..

    Or A shadowed car loaded with kids, bikes, car carrier – ready for vacation with man standing by it with a Dad shirt…. just a few thoughts….

    Or just a man wakling with a child holding each hand!!!

  11. Ripe avocado. A little tough and textured on the outside. Inside is firm, yet a little moldable and soft when worked over. But the core is rock solid and grounded in the truth. Now we just need shirts with a picture of an avocado and the word Dad under it.

  12. A pic of child getting a piggy back, pic of bow and quiver full of his God blessed arrows. God bless all you dads to train up their children in the way they should go. 🙂

  13. An English D inside the colors and shape of the Superman symbol. It is known by all. I am not Super to all but to my 2 boys, I am the Man of Steal.

  14. How about a man kneeling at the cross. It is the only way we can be the dad we are called to be. The world wants us to be so many things that take us away from our family. The cross gives us the strength, courage, tenderness, and wisdom so that “As for me and my house, We will serve the Lord”

  15. “By the way Todd, you should make yourself a blog icon with your eyes and glasses and your big smile and a crew cut.
    A cartoon/drawn image with those things highlighted would be really cool to see on your blog instead of just a photo.”

    Hi Todd,
    First, love the name, ‘Todcast’! Excellent name for it :-).
    And did you ever choose an icon? I see on your email blast that you have a pixar looking icon. That’s pretty much what I was mentioning above. Although, I was thinking something more cartoony and caricatured. But that pixar icon was cool. Are you going to put one on this blog/website too?

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