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Repaired, Re-stocked, and Ready to Roll Again

Hey Dad,
For the last couple of days we’ve been home running like ants to get ready to hit the road again. After a great week in PA we made a bee-line home to restock, fit in a few dentist/doctors/CLEP appointments, and take care of a long list of RV items.

My RV list included a cabinet door that was broken a day or two before we came home, removing and having the furnace repaired, recalibrating the back awning that kept unfurling during heavy wind, removing/replacing the shower skylight (leak be gone!), and about a half dozen lesser items.

Today we reload the trailer and take care of last minute things. It’s been gray and rainy but God has held back the rains during the day, allowing me to get stuff done. The kids have enjoyed stretching and trashing the yard…but they’re ready to be off again.

I’m telling you it’s the small things you take for granted. Since being home I’ve been able to flush the toilet without thinking about how much water I’m using or how soon have to dump. And toilet paper!!! I can use as much as I want!!! (sorry to get so graphic).

When we leave we’ll make the short trip to Ft. Wayne, IN (about an hour) and then Sunday head to Winston-Salem, NC. From there we’ll head up to New Brunswick/ Prince Edward Island/Nova Scotia.

We’ve never been in that area of Canada and are looking forward to seeing the land of Anne of Green Gables.

I want to thank you for praying for us (many of you have said you do). Debbie and I have commented several times that this has been the best year ever. Not because of what we have seen or the RV mechanics…but because our kids seem to have gotten the hang of this RV thing after eight years.

They have done great. They haven’t complained when we have to do laundry, stop for showers, or other on the road Necessities. In short—they’ve done GREAT!

So thank you for holding us up in prayer.

Until next time…

Swing wide and keep your eye on your tail,

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Todd,
    My wife and I honeymooned in the Maritime’s. It is awesome!! Lots of lighthouses to explore and Green Gables was great. Halifax, Nova Scotia has the Citadel and it’s full of cool history that I’m sure your boys would love. Just make sure you try and map it out without getting down too close to the harbor as the streets are very narrow down there. Moncton, New Brunswick has Magnetic Hill where you can put your vehicle in neutral and go uphill. Have a great time and we’ll definitely continue praying for your travels.

  2. Just wanted to make sure you knew that the McLovin shirt you are wearing in the pics is from a teen sex movie called “Superbad”.

  3. Todd, we’ve heard you speak at Colonial Baptist Church in Cary, NC and are looking forward to hearing you again at the homeschool conference in Winston-Salem next week. Thanks for coming…we’ll be looking for your RV!

  4. Hi Wilson Family!
    When you get to the Winston-Salem area, let us know. We would love to see you if we can. Rejoicing with you that things are going GREAT!Love,
    The Hardys

  5. Todd —- thanks for continuing to check on Mother and for stopping in to see her last Friday while in Warsaw. She enjoyed your visit and never fails to mention it when you call her from the road. Safe travels!

  6. Looking forward to the NCHE conference this weekend in Winston-Salem. I have lobbied to get you here for several years.

  7. Todd, was good to talk briefly with you and your wife at the Ft. Wayne HS Conv. Love the hat and glad you got the printer straightened out. Picked up two books and a sticker as well. I was afraid there “might not be enough for everyone” so I took no chances and hurried to the table. Also, I am now telling the kids if they don’t behave we will drive out to the Corn Palace for a day visit…LOL. Many Blessings and keep it between the lines (on your side of the road that is!)
    (father of 6)

  8. Glad you made it to Winston-Salem. Really enjoyed hearing you speak and getting to chat with you for a few minutes. God bless you and your family.

  9. Enjoyed hearing you speak in Winston Salem as well. Hope the lady bought the copy of Help I’m Married to a Homeschooling Mom that I jumped in and pitched for you. But it should be required reading for all home school dads, and it isn’t too scriptural as she was concerned about. So hopefully it wont turn her husband off. Have really enjoyed your wit and wisdom and helps ground me on days when i need it. Thanks!!

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