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Brrrr…in Duluth

Hey Dad,

Well…when you’re right, you’re right. It’s freezing here!!!! In fact, I was just talking to my wife and kids saying how we need to pray because it seems like Satan (if I can be so bold) likes to cause havoc in our family just as we’re setting up. That would be today.

Actually, it started last night when the heat turned off at about 5-6 AM. I think it was because the battery was low and the ignition wouldn’t ignite. I was right, because when I turned on the generator it fired right up. That means I might need two new coach batteries (I’ll need to have them checked).

That was last night. This morning we woke to a windy-gusty, bone chilly 34 degrees…and then it got colder. By the time we reached Superior, WI it was about 40 with a wind chill of -57 degrees. Man, its windy (right now).

We stopped at a McD’s for lunch and to warm up (the RV is cold as we drive). Smart as a tack, I turned on the furnace to warm up the beast as we ate. When we returned something was burning…or at least smelled strongly of smoke. Great.

Didn’t have time to fix it right then so ran across the big bridge to the Duluth Entertainment center and parked to check out our situation. Luckily they have electric hook-up, but I still wasn’t sure where the smoke smell was coming from.

So I let the boys carry in all our stuff to set up while I checked out the furnace. About three minutes into the whole operation the wind blew open the door and broke the hinge at the metal restraint (keeps it from swinging too wide) off. Great.

Since then I’ve temporarily fixed the door, and I’ve checked out furnace thoroughly and it seems OK. I’m guessing something around one of the vents got hot because it’s not coming from the motor or the burner. I’ve running it for a while now and its running great. Nice and toasty. I’m sure I won’t sleep 15 min. tonight…sniffing all the time.

Overall, seems like a pretty normal day for life on the road.

Life is good, and I’m ‘da dad,

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Did you ever get the back-up cam fixed? what was the issue with it? reason I’m curious is because we just had an issue on a camera on one of the trucks I run. Also, I sent you some pics of the Van Hool bus for sale. Did you ever get them? did not send drivers area bc it was being worked on and there were parts all over- the dash was out…. not a pretty pic at all.

  2. Thanks for you ministry to us in Duluth. The LORD used you in some deep and profound ways in my life and in the lives of two of my friends as well.

  3. Happy to meet you in Duluth. I missed your talk since I worked in the exhibit hall with Steve for MACHE. We listened to your talk on CD on the way home and enjoyed it. You spoke about things my son, wife and I needed to hear. Thanks!!

  4. It was a blessing to hear you in Duluth. Wish it would have been warmer for all of us. Keep listening to the Father and speaking the “ It’s Hard, but is good…It’s Good but its hard” truth! I hope my printing was clear enough to get on the email list! Thanks.

  5. Todd – thanks for coming to Duluth. We were brand new to homeschooling last time you were here, and you helped me then to encourage my wife to keep going. Seven years later, we are 100% believers in God’s plan to use homeschooling in our lives, but we still need encouraging just as much – thanks for bringing it.
    PS – as a Duluthian, I feel I should apologize for our inhospitable weather. Come back for summer – it usually comes in July and can last up to a week!

  6. Todd…enjoyed your sessions in Duluth. My family is about to do the reverse of your hot to cold trip. After last weekend in frigid Duluth, we’re going to 85+ degrees in Mississippi for Easter…though we aren’t RVing. Stopping when we need to at hotels, friends, etc…then spending the week with family. And I only have to deal with TWO kids…:) God bless you and your family, and hope that RV keeps rolling along for you.

  7. It’s hard, but it’s good. Great encouragement to hear you, visit a bit’, in Duluth. We live in Minnesota but, kept asking people in Duluth, ‘is it like this all the time’? they told us ‘no’ but, not sure about that.

  8. Ah Duluth – I spent one of the coldest July’s in my life there. The rest of the state might be in the 80’s/90’s, but you always have to bring along a jacket and/or sweater if you are going near Duluth/North Shore

  9. Just read that you were stranded in Blue Earth! Wish we would’ve known…that’s just 40 min from us. We would’ve piled in the van to come say HI. Or had you all pile at our house instead of a hotel! Maybe another time. :0)

    We heard you speak years ago in Denver, CO. Just a few months later, your beautiful wife blessed me with a wonderful phone conversation of great encouragement when we were just getting started on our homeschool journey. I cannot tell you how that has blessed me again and again over the years. I go back to her wise words often.

    We’ve since landed in Forest City, IA where Eric is pastoring a great church. We’re so, so grateful for your encouragement and pray our paths cross again someday soon.

  10. BTW—Just saw that you all are the feature family on the cover of the newest Home Educating Family Magazine! Woo Hoo! Can’t WAIT to find it in the mailbox! Way to go!

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