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What Every Daughter Should Know Before She Leaves Home

Last week we came up with an incredible list of things every son should know how to do before he leaves home. Several dads suggested we make a list for daughters…so let’s do it.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. I have a great book that address’ this very topic:
    “The Takeaway” by Pat & Karyn Williams (father/daughter team)
    20 Unforgettable Life Lessons Every Father Should Pass on to His Child

  2. Not only what the Bible says about a young lady and their role in marriage but daughters should also know God’s design for their future husband. But… my wife and I have told our two daughters they cannot get any older so this doesn’t apply to us… 🙂

  3. For survival in case of extreme emergency, how to kick/raise a high knee. Other ideas are changing tires, checking oil in car and how to pump the gas too.

  4. In light of the recent contest, a daughter should know how to catch a mouse! I remember my first mouse and it was rather traumatic! I immediately called up my dad and, with laughter and panic, told him that he had failed me because he had never taught me how to set a mouse trap and empty it!

  5. Laundry, cooking, basic car maintenance (gas, tire, check fuses), basic home maintenance (plunge toilet, etc), and how to keep track of their money. I like the idea of being able to do a little basic self-defence as well. Just thinking of some of my relatives who don’t have these skills and it really shows.

  6. She should know that her Father in Heaven loves her even more that I can even muster up, and that He and I both will be there (as long as He allows me) to help with the inevitable disappointments and to share in the anticipated victories.

    She should also know how to change a tire…

  7. How to use a meter to check for a “live” electrical outlet, How to jump-start a car, how to bait a hook AND remove the fish, how to drive a stick-shift (and roll-start it), NEVER put gas in a Diesel engine, and ALWAYS prep before you paint!

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