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Clarification from your old buddy Todd

Hey Dad,

First of all, let me just tell you how much I appreciate being on the Familyman Team. I’ve always wanted to create a forum where dads could encourage dads. I’d encourage and challenge you and you’d encourage and challenge me. Well, I’ve succeeded.

After last week’s Familyman Weekly, I was swamped by dads and moms who were concerned. Some wanted clarification; some wanted a retraction. Others wanted to skin me alive and feed my heart to the sharks. As I sent out the email, I was just sure someone would comment on my use of the word ‘wedgie’ but never dreamed my comments concerning President Obama would unleash such a firestorm of criticism.

Some of the letters were kind, but several accused me of being an Obama supporter, shocked that I would endorse a man who is pro-abortion, pro-gay, and about as liberal as they come.

Let me just begin by saying, this is your buddy Todd here. You know me, and I’m a little hurt that so many were ready to drop me like a hot potato because of a wrong assumption.

Not that I blame you for reading into what I had written, because as I read back over my opening sentence, I can plainly see how you jumped to that conclusion. Here’s what I wrote:

“As I type this, President Obama is beginning his first full work day as the President of the United States. I don’t know about you, but my heart swelled with pride and gratefulness as we watched the inauguration on TV.”

Now let me clarify. I am a dyed-in-the-wool sentimental dad. I get a lump in my throat when I think about my kids growing up, and when I see purple mountains and fruited plains accompanied by “America the Beautiful.” So when I said my heart swelled with pride, it was not because I was pleased that Obama was elected president or that I agree with any of his stances or policies.

BUT I was proud of our country…not for electing Barak Obama as president, but for the peaceful transition of power and for assembling a bunch of people who often disagree. In almost every other country of the world, those who lose, die.

Sure they have elections like we do, but then they take the loser and drag his body behind a camel. Try to picture any other country in the world having a crowd the size of the one gathered in Washington where people weren’t walking about with machine guns, and tanks weren’t running over demonstrators.

We live in a country where I have a warm home in the -15 degree cold, a full refrigerator, and the right to disagree with the President of the United States. Do we have some major issues? YES. But we still experience the grace “God has shed on thee.”

I am proud to be an American, although our past and present has been tarnished and stained. I feel grateful for all that God has blessed us with, even though our past presidents owned slaves, cheated on their wives, and lied to the people they were to lead. It’s not that I’m blind to their faults or choose to ignore their sins, I just feel blessed that God has allowed my family and I to live in this country…one that is founded on Christian principles, laid down by some pretty flawed people who sometimes killed those who disagreed.

Our nation once enslaved and lynched Africans, wouldn’t allow blacks to eat at ‘white’ restaurants, and now has elected an African American to its highest office, and of that last fact—I’m proud.

One dad wrote a pretty sharp criticism and concluded, “Consider this (his criticism) another holy wedgie.” You know what? I have. Because of that painful ‘wedgie’, I will be more diligent…and try to be less emotional, but I will still be eternally thankful for all that God has showered on this country of ours.

Honestly, I get a little bothered by all the politicians who like to conclude public appearances by saying “God bless America,” because the truth is God HAS Blessed America, and I am truly thankful.

I hope I’ve alleviated some of your concerns, and to those of you who asked to be removed from our mailing list, may I ask you to give your old buddy Todd another chance? (I’ll probably need more than one.)

Thanks for listening and no matter what…

…You ‘da dad,

This Post Has 66 Comments

  1. I caught your point the first time, and I think it’s a good one. There’s a lot wrong with America, but it’s still the only place in the world that I want to live.

    I had some of the same thoughts about the Obama election; while it wasn’t the outcome I wanted it was still amazing.

    Think about it people: We had a president in power, and that president is the most powerful person in the world. Another person is elected president, and this new person and all of his followers passionately disagree with the sitting president and his followers, who return the favor with the same passion. To add interest and drama to this scene we are in the middle of two wars, are fighting a very dangerous enemy, witnessing the resurgence of some old enemies, and are in the middle of an almost unprecedented worldwide economic crisis. Did I mention that the opposing sides don’t agree at all on how to address of these problems? And let’s not forget that behind all these pressing crisis there is a very significant culture war being fought, where again the opposing sides have almost no common ground.

    Despite all of this disagreement, anger, and foundational differences in opinion between these two groups, on a certain day the sitting president quietly leaves, and the new guy takes over as the most powerful person in the world. During this transition, despite the passion and disagreement, there is no violence between the opposing sides. Grocery stores remain open, there is no militia presence, no sane citizen even considers worrying about a military coup, and people who choose to ignore the whole process have a perfectly normal routine day.

    Folks, this is a BIG DEAL! It’s very unusual in the history of this fallen world! Even God’s chosen people, whom He lived among, couldn’t manage to pull this off! Our country has done it for over 200 years. Yeah, there’s a lot wrong.

    But, the recent inauguration, regardless of our politics, should remind all of us to hit our knees and thank God for his blessings.

  2. Todd,
    Very well said…I too am an emotional dad and swell up with pride at seeing hope for our country. I didn’t vote for Obama either, but you know what? God has placed him in that position for a reason. Now, I hope that reason is to bring some stabilization to the economy and peace around the world. But, God is God and I am not, so I will just trust His judgment on this one. I’m proud to be an American and I’m proud of you Todd. May God “continue” to bless America.

  3. Buddy Todd, I knew what you meant! Keep me on your list! Keep up the good work! I look forward to your e-mails every week.

    People of the Familyman Ministries, love don’t judge! Don’t assume and jump to conclusions. It is dangerous. Ask for clarity and be sure you understand what you are disagreeing with.

  4. Todd, I’m sure you’ll agree, no matter what anyone thinks of President Obama; it doesn’t matter if you voted for him or not; he IS our President now, and we need to support him and pray for him. We don’t always know God’s plan for sure, but there is one thing for sure, He has one. Todd, thanks for always sharing your feelings too, please don’t change that. Us dads need to learn how to do that even more.

  5. Todd, just a word of encouragement. I did not take offense at what you wrote. I felt the same emotions and thoughts as you did. Keep up the good work.

  6. Todd,

    I read your Obama article and understood exactly what you were saying. Nothing in your previous articles would lead me to believe that, with the inauguration of President Obama, you had become a pro-abotion, pro-gay liberal supporter. BECAUSE I had read your articles for about a year, I was able to give you the benefit of any doubt that many readers appear unable to offer. That is to their discredit. You have a wonderful way of looking at things and writing it down to entertain and educate the rest of us. Don’t let comments of some who are quick to anger and quick to speak discourage you in future writing. That would be a shame.

    Regarding the conservatives’ outcry against Obama—I think people need to remember that we have the right and responsibility to take action against poilicies that are evil and unrighteous. But what seems to happen more often is a lot of attacking the person rather than the policy. Obama is a man with the same opportunity toward repentance as the rest of us. So for the next four years, lets pray for him rather than attack him. Then lets use our constitutional right to vote in legislators who can impact the laws addressing the issues we say are so important that we’re ready to drop our buddy Todd over.

  7. Thanks for your honesty and integrity! I do not think you were in error for what you shared. I too was in tears during the inauguration, proud for our America to overcome our differences but mostly tears of sadness watching a wonderful president leave office. Thanks for your clarification, although you should not feel it necessary! There should be no offense taken, in this country we should be free to express our views especially as christians, without getting slammed.

  8. I enjoy everything you have to say and offer, but just as anything and or anyone, you and I will never agree on everything, just like anyone else. For someone to be upset at something you felt, they are crazy… but then again they have their own feelings too right?… see the ridiculous cycle? Thanks for all your help you have given to me, and to my family.

  9. Todd.
    No matter what you do or say there will be some that will disagree and get angry / offended. Ask any pastor about this and they will tell you that you should expect it. Do not be affraid to share your feelings or your viewpoint. We all do not have to agree and we are all allowed to seed the good in ANY situation. Keep up the good work and keep us encouraged your gift is a blessing to us all. God Bless.

  10. Hey Todd, Keep up the amazing work. I couldn’t agree more with your thoughts on America, Obama and the whole kit’n kaboodle! You are an incredible encouragement to me each week. Thanks!

  11. Todd,
    I have to admit I wondered just for a tiny second what you meant when I read it, but from what I know of you I was pretty sure we were seeing eye to eye.

    I too was very proud while watching the inauguration, but at the same time I dont agree with Obama on much at all.
    I share others’ sentiment when they say he is our president and we should support him and pray for his success, but NOT in the sense of him being successful in the areas of policy that would lead the USA towards bigger government, less personal freedom, and “spreading the wealth around”.

    I put a post on my facebook the other day that said “I am willing to ‘come together’ but NOT willing to be ‘responsible’ for the irresponsible…”

  12. Todd,

    I’m sorry that you had to deal with so much criticism for what you said. I, for one, was impressed by the fact that you were willing to simply say what you meant to say and didn’t feel like you had to qualify it. We live in such a hothead partisan environment right now. Somehow, I knew exactly what you meant without any explanation. Knowing the context of all your previous messages I never thought you supported all of Obama’s policies, but simply that you support him as a person – as the office of President of the United States, and that you were proud to be a citizen of the US where we can work through our differences in, hopefully, a civilized fashion.

    Personally, I am equally appalled at the people who disrespected President Bush and the people who now disrespect President Obama. We can disagree without disrespect. I disagreed with some of President Bush’s policies and I have already disagreed with some of President Obama’s. I have also agreed with both of them at times. But I respect both of them as being the people God placed in authority in His time.

  13. Todd,

    I understood where you were coming from. You’re still da’ Dad, and I still my “buddy”. I always look forward to your weekly email, and daily calendar. Keep up the good work!

  14. Todd, Just want you to know I agreed with you about the pride. Seeing the innaugeration was a proud moment. Do we agree with him on issues no but then all the more reason to pray. We do not serve a God that is in heaven right now wringing his hands and bewildered because America picked President obama. We serve a God that works all things for good. We are called to respect the position and to pray for our leaders. lets stop the mud slinging the campaign is over and be the body of christ.

  15. Don’t worry about it. I understood your heart. I get ridiculed by my daughters for getting all sappy over Nemo or Ann of Green Gables.

  16. Todd,

    When you made that statement last week, I assumed you meant pride in our nation and the fact that a racial barrier had been broken. Maybe some clarification would have helped, but let me say this – If Christians put as much time into contacting their elected officials about important issues as they did in picking on each other, maybe our nation would be in better shape. Let’s give Todd a break!

  17. Hey Todd,
    I too completely understood your meaning the first time I read it with no clarification needed. It’s unfortunate that any mention of other-than-conservative politics garners such an immediate and emotional response. We need to still be able to have thoughtful discussions around such issues or we become irrelevant in the public conversations. Thank you for your insights and keep up the good work!

  18. Todd,

    Thank you so much for that clarification! We were worried about you. I wondered if you meant that you were proud of democracy, but I couldn’t tell that by what you wrote. I am also so proud of our country and the freedoms that we have here. It also pleases me that an entire race that has experienced a lot of persecution in our country now has a representative in our highest office. I have been for most of my life fascinated by all things political and take great pride in everything our country offers to us and marvel at the freedoms that we are afforded.
    I was not however proud on that day for a lot of other reasons. One of which is that I have lived in IL, while our then Senator Obama was the ONLY liberal senator to say it was o.k. to kill a baby after it was born alive. I am ashamed of him, and couldn’t manage any pride on that day. I prayed that entire day for the unborn around the world. They NEED our prayers.

    I was having a very hard time understanding why you as a family man would be proud…thank you for explaining. You saved me having to write an excruciatingly long letter! =)

    Thank you,

  19. “Let me just begin by saying, this is your buddy Todd here. You know me”

    That says it all right there. I’m surprised anyone who’s been receiving your emails would have taken it any other way than the way you meant it. The assumptions, and accusations (without bothering to get all the facts) that christians can have toward other christians never ceases to amaze and sadden me.

  20. Let me just say this…

    1. I was proud for all the reasons you were, Todd.

    2. I despise the killing of the innocent and calling it ‘choice’.

    3. I also despise the killing of the innocent and calling it ‘collateral damage’.

    4. Jesus didn’t run for office, otherwise I would’ve voted for him.

  21. No offense taken. We agree. We are followers of Christ and so choose to love those who don’t agree with us or think like us. We were also very proud of our country that day and took photos of our kids waving American flags IN FRONT of the television with the Obamas on the screen behind them. It was history in the making and we are GRATEFUL we live in a country where we can even share our own opinions. No, we didn’t vote for Obama but we WILL support him and pray for him and love him.

  22. Todd,
    I was surprised at your statement (in the original email)but when I continued to read the rest of your message and remembered who you are, I knew you were just sharing your heart again. Which is the very thing that has been a great blessing to me and my family!!! Don’t change, even if I did disagree.
    …You ‘da dad

  23. Todd

    From one proud and emotional Husband, Father and American to another . . .
    Don’t change a thing! You are doing and will continue to do the most good as a man who is open, honest and willing to be transparent with those you minister to.

  24. Hey Todd & Family
    I would like to encourage you to stand on what you believe, feel, and know to be true. Don’t be discourage because everyone does not have your view or can’t grasp yours. I know you put a lot of thought in what you share with us, and more than that you are lead by our Heavenly Father to say what you do.(most of the time)LOL
    Even if Sam Sausage Head was our president, we would be required to be supportive of him and pray for him as well. Let’s not forget the most important point you made was that no matter what the president or a celebrity gets to do with their time, nothing is more important than what he/she will do for Christ and their family. It’s the only activity with eternal benefits. I know this is not the first time you’ve been “jumped” on, and it probably won’t be the last. Could be preparation for times/topics to come. Thank you for sharing. Even though I’m in NC, I’ll keep looking for y’all on the highway in the RV.

  25. Todd: No worries. Your original sentiments needed no clarification or apologies. It’s a shame some people are so reactionary. I appreciate the fact that I don’t hear the constant blodding of politics in your letters and instead hear your heart. Keep up the great work. Your letters are encouraging and have helped me in my own Christian walk. Don’t start self-censoring now. Like someone else said, you only have one person to please: Him. Oh, yeah, and if you can please yourself and some others that’d be good, too, but not vital.

  26. I read some quotes, once. They were written by a man who murdered people who opposed his way of thinking. He had a change of heart, later in life, and began to write about it. He wrote that, if we love, we should choose to think the best of someone. The conclusion that we should jump to should be the most positive choice available. If questions still stand, we should discuss them, in love, gently. He was called Saul of Tarsis, but Jesus changed Saul’s name to “friend”.

  27. Todd, I got it the first time. I also do not agree with most of President Obama’s views, but have to acknowledge that the event was history in the making.

    I just so happen to be in 1 Kings in my devotions and am reminded once again how both the good kings and bad kings are named in the book. Even more amazing is how God will take credit for how he put that bad king in place to fulfill His plan and execute His judgement. Romans 13:1 says (Rom 13:1) “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” Obama did not take this election to God’s surprise. So if we believe God and His Word, we should be praying for Obama and asking God what’s our role in this new American chapter. As dads, husbands, church leaders, workers, neighbors, brothers, sons, in every role that God has entrusted to us how are we to respond to God in this season? Only God can answer that question, and thank God that He is faithful to let us know if we only ask.

    Todd – thanks for all you do! Keep doing it unto Him! Bless you and your family!

  28. Todd, I just want to add my “ditto” to the previous support you’ve received. I did not get a chance to read your comments on President Obama’s inauguration, but I too watched it with emotion and pride in our nation, even if I didn’t believe he would make the best president for us. Now… having offered you my support I must add that I’m disappointed in you. I thought for sure you’d figure out some way to put your head on a platter so we could all enjoy a good laugh! Blessings!

  29. Hey Todd

    I was equally moved by the pomp and circumstance of Jan 20th.

    But since you offer a place to pontificate — I raise my typing fingers with energy and offer these thoughts:

    The fact remains – there has been much talk recently about change.

    It was a political platform.

    The reality is that by all accounts the winds of change are blowing.

    But may I remind us all that regardless of present day political winds there is a Kingdom that does not change.
    For as easy as it is to wring our hands and wonder when others will change — I am reminded that we are to seek ‘ye’ first the Kingdom.

    As a citizen of the Kingdom of God we have been asked by our King to personally change. To change the way we live, act, feel and think. That is — to be transformed into the image of His Son.

    May we…

    o Change from selfishness to others centered.
    o Change from greed to generosity.
    o Change form self-sufficiency to God-dependency.
    o Change from independence to interdependence.
    o Change from being served to serving.
    o Change from anxiety and fear to trust in a God Who knows what He is doing.

    My prayer, in light of the change that is coming is simply that:
    “Our Father in heaven,
    hallowed be Your name,
    Your kingdom come,
    Your will be done
    on earth as it is in heaven.” Matt 6:9-10

    Please join me (just before you delete this message) in asking our King to change in us the things He desires so that His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

    Grace & peace –

    Mark P. Fisher <(((><
    President & Head Innovation Coach
    Sandy Cove Ministries

  30. Hi— Just to clarify for myself—It wasn’t the “I’m proud of America” stuff that annoyed me—it was the “Obama makes me feel small” stuff. I don’t think a sincere Christian should ever feel “small” against a —well, really, he’s a no-foolin’ baby killer, even if the little ones escape the abortionist he’s willing to kill them. Obama will never make me feel “small”.

  31. I attend a multiracial church in which about 15-20% of the church of 3000 people are African American. Our pastor said that he was speaking to one of the office staff (a female African American) just after the election and she was in tears. She said she had always wanted to be able to say to her kids that they can be anything they wanted to be, but, always knowing deep inside that president of the United States would never be possible for an African American. This goes to show you that anything is possible in these United States and for that I am proud.

  32. Todd,

    I tought that was one of your best emails ever. Stand firm and don’t change for the sake of pleasing others. Your strive for change should be a desire, as the other commenter said, to be transformed into the image of His Son.
    Thank you for everything you do for us fathers.
    All the best,

  33. Thanks for being sensitive. Having grown up with you, I heard your message clearly and did not give it a second thought! God is in control, America is a great place to live and we enjoy the blessings of many our faithful fathers. May we remain faithful to Him in spite of what the government does and may we PRAY for them, that we live our lives in peace, and that they would be conscious of His precepts and legislate accordingly!

  34. Todd,

    Thank you, for your update, I too was concerned about your opening statement. I am thrilled to hear that you are not an Obama supporter and that you stand for the same values that we do. Obama is not Gods choice for our country, he is our president because a lot of people have been very misled. As I remember a lot of homeless people crawled out from under their bridge (home) to vote for Obama, where is he now that he is President and they helped him get in office. Last weekend he was hiding them from the press. If we are not following Gods word then we are following the ways of this world and Obama is not a Man of God. He is a baby killer and does not stand for what God has commanded us to do and be. Those that are offended and have moved on are not people who know the word of God. This is not a race issue it is a heart issue. God Bless you and your family! Keep the encouragement coming and may you be encouraged always. Kelly

  35. I still don’t get how you can disconnect the knowledge that, because Obama is president many more babies will die painfully and many more young women will be lied to about a choice that they will have to live with for the rest of their lives, with images of the same man being sworn into office. While I accept his clarification, statements like Todd wrote only serve to give aid and comfort to the enemy. The bottom line is that although most Christians might automatically call themselves “pro-Life”, too many don’t really appreciate the true horror of what abortion is. God IS in control, but more often than not, he uses “secondary means” to fulfill his plan. An easy path does not necessarily indicate that God is behind it, nor a hard one that God is against it. We’ve got to stay focused because the days are evil.

  36. Todd, I am behind you 100% and Obama 100%. The best man won the election and it was all in God’s plan. I am a Christian and I voted for Obama. I prayed long and hard and realized there was much more to the Presidential race than just 1 issue. I do not merely vote based on 1 issue, which is abortion. I am against abortion and I am against sending our troops to be slaughtered in the Middle-East. I realized that I could either vote for a “baby killer” or a “daddy killer”, I chose the latter and continue to pray for Obama’s policy on abortion. By the way I served our country as in the Marine Corp and still do not support sending our troops to Vietnam or Iraq. Obama will be busy cleaning up the huge mess Bush left him to kill any babys. I suggest keeping him in our Prayers, God will change his heart if we all pray hard enough.

  37. Todd,

    Your notes are always encouraging and interesting. Sorry some misunderstood your comments. We Christians often attack other Christians rather than believe in them. I have been challenged by a statement I read considering Jesus’ grace and mercy to us, “If I am to error in judging someone else’s actions, let me error on the side of grace, not law” Is this not how He has treated us?

  38. Todd, No need to apologize. I recently read a passage from Philip Yancey’s (who Billy Graham says “There is no writer in the evangelical world that I admire and appreciate more”) book “The Jesus I Never Knew” page 250. I believe Yancey is right on.

    “As I now reflect on Jesus’ stories of the kingdom, I sense that much
    uneasiness amoung Christians today stems from a confusion of the two
    kingdoms, visible and invisible. Each time an election rolls around,
    Christians debate whether this or that candidate is “God’s man” for the
    White House. Projecting myself back into Jesus’ time, I have difficulty
    imagining him pondering whether Tiberius, Octavius, or Julius Ceasar was
    “God’s man” for the empire. The politics of Rome were virtually irrelievant
    to the kingdom of God.
    Nowadays, as the US grows increasingly secularized, it appears that
    church and state are heading in different directions. The more I undersand
    Jesus’ message of the kingdom of God, the less alarm I feel over that trend.
    Our real challenge, the focus of our energy, should not be to Christianize
    the United States (always a losing battle) but rather to strive to be God’s
    kingdom in an increasingly hostile world. As Karl Rarth said, “(The Church)
    exists…to set up in the world a new sign which is radically dissimilar to
    (the world’s) own mannner and which contradicts it in a way which is full of
    Ironically, if the United States is truly sliding down a slippery moral
    slope, that may better allow the church—-as it did in Rome and also in
    China——to set up “a new sign…which is full of promise.” I would prefer,
    I must admit, to live in a country where the majority of people follow the
    Ten Commandments, act with civility toward each other, and bow their heads
    once a day for a bland, nonpartisan prayer. I feel a certain nostalgia for
    the social climate of the 1950s in which I grew up. But if that environment
    does not return, I will not lose any sleep. As America slides, I will work
    and pray for the kingdom of God to advance. If the gates of hell cannot
    prvail against the church, the contemporary political scene hardly offers
    much threat.”

  39. YES! I also love the State of the Union addresses when the President enters the room and everyone (both sides of the aisle) greet him (her someday?) with an extended standing ovation. I think that is awesome! It doesn’t matter who the man is, the OFFICE of President must remain dignified and will always recieve my respect. In four years we can put someone new in.

  40. Todd: I agree that we should all be proud that our country has elected an African American to be president. This is an enormous step forward for our country. I do wish they had not elected this particular man, because of his stance on the sanctity of human life. However, it is ok to be respectful of the office of our president because of what that office means. I am vehemently against Obama views as president, but I am vehemently for this new progress in our nation and I will teach my children to do the same.

  41. I think most people need to wake up and realize that all that happened Jan 20th was that Team B took over for Team A – but both teams work for the same “company” (and I don’t mean us).

    There isn’t a nickel’s difference between the two parties – a short video example comparing the words of Bush and Obama here:

    Re: pro-life. What actually changed under Bush? Were more babies saved… was Roe v Wade overturned? Or is saying you’re pro-life just a way to get elected?

    By the way, more money went for abortion funding during the last 8 years than during the Clinton years.

    We are a long way away from being the freest country in the world. Until we understand this, we’re going to have squabbles like Bush vs Obama, Rep vs Dem that don’t change anything. I love my country – I hate what those in power are doing to it. Just as Bush fooled conservatives and Christians, Obama is just the latest in a long line to fool people into thinking things are actually different with a new administration.

    Fascism (McCain) or Communism (Obama). Not much difference. Take a few weeks, and start reading

  42. Hi Todd,

    From a flag-waving American, let me say how thankful I felt to read what you wrote: “I get a lump in my throat when I…see purple mountains and fruited plains accompanied by ‘America the Beautiful.’” I feel exactly the same way. (Any red-blooded American who has heard John Wayne reciting “You ask me why I love her? There’s a million reasons why!” has gotten that lump-in-the-throat feeling too.)

    I grew up marching to the drumbeat of President Reagan’s “new patriotism,” and I want my children’s hearts to beat to that same rhythm.

    As Americans, we have liberties to do so much that people in other lands—oppressed, restricted lands—cannot do. Freedom of worship, freedom to choose one’s life work, freedom to travel, freedom to express dissent. Believe me, after living here for four years, I understand so much better the contrast between our free America and those countries which are not free! (Incidentally, you ought to see the lines waiting outside the US Embassy every day—the lines of people trying to go to America!)

    We who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ know that our true home is not of this world, but in an even better country. For this lifetime, however, we who were chosen by the Lord to be called “Americans” should often praise Him for how bountifully He has showered us with daily mercies.

    God HAS blessed America, and may He have mercy on her now!

  43. You Da Dad! You Da Encourager! You Da American! My heart breaks for you to have received such harsh criticisms for your sentimentality – I pray you know your passion and words are right on, and I pray that those who responded so quickly and so heatedly towards you would choose to turn their intensity to praying for Obama, our congress and our future as Americans. Thank you for the inspiring weekly newsletters that are consistently wise and encouraging. You are a gifted writer who can make us laugh and cry in the same sentence. My wife adores your gift as a Dad-shepherd. In Our Big Dad’s Name – The Loidolts

  44. Todd,
    Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate your perspective. I live in Mali, West Africa and it is interesting to see the response from the Malians here. You are performing a great service in helping to shape our present and next generation.

  45. Hey Todd…well said and it is good to know that there are oogles of like minded folks out there. For those who misplaced a corncob…their loss. Keep it up my friend.

  46. The President is neither white or black , he just chooses to pledge his loyalty to his black side. If he is an American , he should call himself an American , not an African American. Anything but plain “American” can cause racial problems and make patriots wonder where the loyalty lays in the heart of those who call themselves a certain race of American.Lets drop the racial descriptions and just be loyal to the country we live in now. My ancestry is German and Indian but I’m thankful just to be an American!

  47. Hey Todd…you just stay being Todd and let God do what He is going to do! Let Him use you as you are. I, too, am proud to be an American (proud in a way of being thankful, not boastful). Fact is, the President is in charge now and we as Americans have a responsibility to hold him accountable for his actions, so be prepared when the call comes out to take action. Also, know that God has placed him in this powerful position and he is the authority we have been placed under by God for now until God says otherwise. He is my new boss and I will obey as long as it is not illegal, unethical, or immoral to do so. Thanx again, Todd and looking forward to hearing more from ya!

  48. Todd and all readers,
    I have to admit first that I am a sinner and am saved by the grace of God. Second that I am not an Obama supporter. However, as a US citizen and a Christian, I have to pray for our leaders. In addition, when we vote we need to pray for guidance from God. He has a plan for us, but has given us free will to make decisions on our own (good and bad). He also does not want us to live a life of fear.

    It is with this prayer that we communicate with God. I also have found through faith that God can use things from all people to make his will known. The tongue is a powerful weapon and a loving device. We need to be careful in what and how we say things. With that said, I believe, Christians need to remember that it is grace that has brought us to the Lord and that we need to love one another. Especially the ones who we have trouble loving. Giving one another the benefit of doubt when something is unclear.

    My wife thought that I needed more Christian support, which is why I have been reading your letters. This is why I am writing this response, we as Christians can be quick to judge one another but we need to do it in a loving manner. I saw nothing poor with your original letter. Remember, that this is a forum to love each other and to support each other.

    I will continue to keep you in my prayers as well as President Obama and the rest of our leaders.



  49. Thanks Todd, although I don’t personally like him, I’ve still got him on my list when I get down on my knees everday. You’re there as well as a host of others. Keep being da dad and bless you and yours.

  50. Obama is bi-racial if I remember correctly. That doesn’t make him African-American just as my Englis/Irish/French heritage doesn’t make me E/I/F-American. I was born in America and by golly I am an American!!!! No hyphens allowed!

    I believe he only embraced that term to get the black, liberal, and media vote. The man is a complete liberal who is 100% politician and elitest. I did not vote for him and cannot wait for the opportunity to vote him out.

    I will and do pray for him, I am commanded to in God’s Word. I submit to his authority, I am commanded to in God’s Word. However, that doesn’t mean I have to like him or respect him, simply the office he holds.

    In my opinion the liberal media glamorized him, the plight of the under class black Americans, and they are responsible for him being elected. McCain (not my first choice but who I did vote for) was never given the same amount of air time. There was no unbiased and fair reporting during the election and they overlooked Obama’s past. Consider Joe the Plumber. The media didn’t focus on Obama’s socialist comment to “redistribute the wealth” but instead focused in discrediting Joe saying he didn’ evev have a plumber’s license! Too many people let the media and celebrities tell them what to think. They are the proof of the passage “all we, like sheep, are gone astray.” At some point people must begin to think for themselves and take responsibility for their lives. We must end the welfare state we have become, but sadly it will probably only get worse under this administration.

    Let your voices and concerns be heard! Write, e-mail, or call your Senators and Representative and tell them your concerns and your displeasures, but also praise them when they do good. Simply complaining and being apathetic without acting will accomplish nothing! Stand up America and be heard!!!

    Thanks for the forum Todd, I do get a lot out of it.

  51. Well said, Todd. Your thinking is right on target as far as I am concerned. I did not vote for Obama, but I am thankful to live in a country with peaceful transition of power.

    We Christians need to be careful to not get ugly at people – Christian or not – when we disagree. That’s what “truth in love” is all about. I’m sorry if some of our Christian brothers got ugly at you.

    It’s time for us to band together as the body of Christ – salt and light – loving not ugly – to help Obama and others in government and the nation see where they are in darkness on a few issues.

    You da American Dad!

  52. Thanks for the explanation. I am kinda new and was not sure where you were coming from.

    I have a great friend who is African American. She is not someone who is normally your politically involved person. She normally is quiet. As I watched her and saw others with a new perspective I believe God allowed me to see the impact this was making. This meant that as a nation who used to get away with killing someone without fear of punishment (JUST BECAUSE OF THE COLOR OF THIER SKIN!) was now a nation that has given the highest honor to these same people it once would capture and sell.

    It is hard to truly rejoice because the value of a life is so important! I can’t support some of the stuff (abortion) our new president believes nor will I ever. But I can be proud to be part of a country that has proven what we know to be true. ALL men are created equal. None are less then.

  53. God puts into power who he wants and uses them for His purpose. It is our responsibility to pray for those in leadership no matter who it is.

    What Mark wrote above on Jan,30th says it all. In the future I hope people respond to your writing, when they have an issue with it, with Love first since “the greatest of these is Love” 1Cor 13:13.
    May God keep you strong and keep you going Todd

  54. Todd, you made a good point when you said Obama “could be” a good President. We are praying that he will see that he needs a true faith in Jesus, and that he can no longer get by on political “crapola” (as Archie Bunker so aptly called it). Hopefully he will see that the will of the people is not the same as the will of his party leadership, and act accordingly. Todd, it’s okay to be sentimental and patriotic; I surely am. We still should respect the office of President even if we have doubts about the man. As for those who wanted to rip your face off, duh! Have you been listening to this guy?

  55. Hi Todd; Your original posting was sent to me by a friend and was my first exposure to you and your ministry – bad timing I reckon. Although I enjoyed the rest of the article and my visit to the website, I admit I was concerned about what I read not having the advantage of any previous knowledge of you or your ministry. I VERY much appreciate the clarification. But even if my initial interpretation had been correct, I’m still absolutely appalled (though not surprised) at hearing of the harsh, criticism and overreaction of so many purported “Christians”. Emotions have run higher than usual for this election, but it too-frequently astounds me how quickly “Christians” can lose their character and react so un-Christ-like to others … especially a brother in Jesus. Thank you for your clarification, and you have my deepest sympathy at the firestorm you suffered at the hands of your own “family” over this.

  56. After reading all these comments, it makes me wish that you could somehow let the world know that most of us do not feel the way that Rush Limbaugh does and we don’t have that hate in our hearts for Obama. Yes, we will hate some of his policies, but we as Christians should not hate him.

  57. I did not vote for Obama and I really do not like many of his views, however he is GOD’s Choice for this county in that God gave us a free will and lets us choose who we want. Remember the Iseralites in the OT? They DEMANDED a king, and God finally gave in and gave them one. Was it what God REALLY wanted for them? In the same manor, the majority of our nation voted in as president someone who we do not agree with.
    As God commands: we are to pray for our counrty and its leaders. We should also pray that God would surround our leader with wise and Godly people and that he would have an open mind to their views.

  58. I was also a bit concerned when I read your article, but since I was out of town, I just read it this morning. I’m concerned because, if I remember the number correctly, about 30% of those who identified themselves as evangelical Christians indicated that they had voted for Obama. And within his first week in office, our new president confirmed that he is the most anti-Christian man to ever hold that office…and we, the Christians, helped put him there!
    Yes, God has richly blessed our nation. But it appears that His hand of blessing has been withdrawn. I no longer pray that God will bless this country; rather that our leaders’ eyes will be opened to their foolishness and our nation will repent before we are crushed by God’s hand of vengence.
    I agree with several readers that we should definately respect our president, regardless of his disregard for God and Christian values. After all, the Apostle Paul urged his readers to show respect to Nero!

  59. Todd, I agree with you wholeheartedly with your views of the inauguration and President Obama.
    And all those who jump to conclusions with one statement – lighten up. Use some discernment of who is writing, the time frame of the statement, and what the statement is referencing.
    I did not vote for President Obama but enjoyed the ceremonies as stated by Todd.
    And now as an example of typing my views on this website, I am also contacting, through email, my Senators, Representative, and the President of my opinions of how MY government that God has given should be run. Because this government is a responsibility that God has laid on each of us. Reference the Biblical teaching that we are to obey the laws of the government – and basis of this government: the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

  60. I understood what you said, and your message touched my Heart. We christians often can’t agree on “whats right” but thank God for a country where an individual can determine(for the most part) what is right to that individual. We are to pray for and support our leaders, and as you say disagree freely. thank God for that.

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