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The Journey Begins

I’m not sure I’m ready…but the RV adventure begins today. All I need now…is an RV. It’s still at the RV shop.

I took it in Monday for a couple things, and although they found the problems pretty quickly, they had to order the parts. Which means that my plans to have the beast packed up by yesterday had to be scrapped.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that as I backed out of my long driveway in the pre-dawn hours, I had Ben (14) guide me out. I was about to take off down the road when Ben ran up beside my window with a smile on his face and said, “Dad, you knocked over the mailbox.”

Man, that’s a rookie move and another thing to fix…which I did with a few nails and some 2x4s.

So we used yesterday to get stuff done and if all goes according to plan, we will pick up the RV tday, load her up, and quickly de-winterize it (which is normally done long before now).

Just in case you think we’re heading out on vacation, we’re not (although we do plan to see a bunch of cool stuff while we’re out). For the next 3 months we’ll zigzag across the country speaking to thousands of moms and dads at state homeschool conventions.

Here’s how it works: We travel during the week and set up at the convention on Thursday (we have a booth where we sell familyman stuff). Most conventions last through Saturday evening and then we tear down, load up the RV, and head off to the next convention.

We plan to cover a lot of miles this season and, to be honest, I’m a little nervous with our new Familyman Mobile and all the unknowns. So if you have any extra prayer time, we’d sure appreciate your pareyrs.

Here are a few prayer requests:
~ That the RV would function properly…heater, fridge, engine, generator…
~ That I would be extra sensitive to the needs of my wife and my children
~ That I would take the time and spend the money to make it “fun”
~ That I would be unphased by the insane price of diesel.
~ That we would stay healthy (Maggie threw up last night and the baby is hacking)
~ That we would remember why we’re doing what we’re doing
~ That I would lead my family in worship daily
~ That we would work together as a team.

I think that’s about it for now. I’ll try to make frequent updates on this page to let you know how things are going in the Familyman Mobile.

Thanks for being on the team.

Here’s a photo of the non-napping Wilson kids on Easter morning.

Until next time.

Swing wide and keep your eye on your tail (RV talk)

This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. We will sure pray for you and your family!!
    And yes, God IS in CONTROL – and HE does like to remind us of that – doesn’t he!!
    Have a Blast & Remember: God made you all Special and He loves you all very much – to quote some famous veggies!!!

    Hugs & Prayers & Blessings from the Kiessling family from Fresno, California

  2. We’ll keep you in our prayers Todd and we’ll throw an extra prayer in there to avoid all turkeys and other flying objects 🙂

    Blessings from MN as we get ready for another snow storm tonight!

  3. Todd, Your whole family are troopers! Wish you could head to CA some day! And to keep your family healthy, stay with whole grains, no dairy, little to no meat. And obviously no sugar!

  4. So, your email said you painted “You Da’ Dad” on the nose of the beast. How bout some pics?

  5. God Bless You on your travels. We(my wife is one of those sneaky peakers @ the manly website) have been both entertained and encouraged by you and your family. Don’t forget a HAPPY Mama makes for a happy family. See you in Orlando, we’ll keep y’all in our prayers.

    Stevens Family
    Rickey, Jackie, and Logan

    If you don’t have one, a CB can be invaluable on the road. Just let the truckers know there are kids listening.


  7. Go STRONG…pulling your strength and comfort from the Lord and
    giving Him Glory in everything! Praying for you and your precious family! Happy Traveling!

  8. Your upcoming trip sounds like lots of fun. In 2007, my wife, two kids, and I traveled around the entire US for 4 months. And we absolutely loved it. Rather than an RV, we drove an extended cab pickup truck towing a 24 foot travel trailer. It was the trip of a lifetime. And we are so grateful to God and to my employer for allowing us to take such an adventure. You will all be in our prayers. May God richly bless all of you as you embark again together!

  9. Todd,

    I know I’ve said this to you before, but God can and will provide for your needs. HE knows what the price of diesel fuel will be and HE can provide.

    We’ll be praying for you as you trek around the country.

    — Dan

  10. May our good Lord go before you, hang with you and bring up the rear, as you move along this life. Thanks for the humor-side of things. It is great encouragement. Hope you can all come out to the great PNW sometime. We’re praying for ya!
    and do post some pics along the way……..

  11. Hopefully the RV remodeling to your mailbox will be the worst thing that will happen this year.

    Have safe travels and we will be prayer for you.

  12. You will be in our prayers. Just a side note about things never going the way they’re supposed to: I awoke this morning to the wonderful sound of a waterfall on the morning of my son’s 3rd birthday. When my wife rolled over and asked if I had turned the shower on and left it running, it suddenly occured to me that I didn’t have one of those fancy alarm clocks with all the nice nature sounds. I jumped out of bed, ran around the corner and realized that I was standing in a puddle. The bathroom that we had just finished painting (at 2AM) for the birthday party tonight was completely flooded. So instead of taking off the afternoon to spend with my son, I had to switch my plans and fix a pipe, dry a wood floor, and rip up half of the carpet in the hallway, then go to work til 5 instead of being home. Oh well, just goes to show you that God has his own plans for us. Anyhoo, You ‘da Dad Todd. Have a great time with your family out on the road. I envy you.

  13. Awesome! You guys are going to be in Orlando! I had to miss seeing you last year because I had a migraine. Thank you so much for the CD you gave to me via my friends. My hubby and I both listened to it and enjoyed it greatly. You guys are a wonderful blessing and encouragement to homeschoolers everywhere!

  14. May God be with you and guide your every move.may your needs be few and your funds be many. I pray that your diesel does, and Maggies up stays down. I look forward to seeing you in Alb. Oh ya, don’t foget your duck tape.(90 mph tape)

  15. I’ll be praying for all of you! We just took our new RV on a shakedown cruise. Turned out we had arctic weather but we were snug and dry! Absolutely loved it and we can’t wait for more trips. I look forward to reading how your family does it for extended trips.

    Abiding in the Vine!

  16. We’ll do our best to keep you and yours in our prayers. Thanks for leaving them to come to Cincinnati. Wife and I enjoyed all we heard especially backing over Grandpa(or was that the mailbox). God Bless

  17. We are looking forward to seeing you out here in Saint Louis. Bring along your rain coats. and maybe some sand bags.
    Praying for a safe trip. Till tomorrow.

  18. I’m sorry to disturb you but I would like to know what does that mean “Keep your eye on your tail”.
    In fact, I googled it and your are the only one where I found it. I read it in a book.
    Thanks for your help. I pray for you and this wonderful family!

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