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Familyman Tattoo

My Florida, surfer-pastor, friend Chip M. is a one of a kind dad. While in Jacksonville he showed me one of his favorite tattoos. Wow!!! I told him to send me a picture, so I could share it with you. Here it is!

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Monty,

    Be carefull judging as a pharisee would. We aren’t under the law. We have the freedom to look deeper and understand what’s really being said.

    Lev 19 is filled with things that simply don’t apply for a variety of reasons though many things there would still apply it’s very questionable whether a tattoo promoting family values on a pastor is really at all related to what that law is about.

    A tattoo like that can be a great talking point to reach out to a culture of people that don’t really know God.

    With that I say go for it!

  2. To Monty,
    Hey brother,I send my deepest apology,if this has caused you to stumble,it is clearly not intended to do that.I am very thankful for you adhearing strongly to your conviction,Praise the Lord for that.I hope this has not offended you too deeply.However,with the challenge that Chris gave you,it might be something to look in to and let God’s word and his spirit broaden your understanding of the full context of lev.19:28.Looking at the text and asking,who,what,when,where and why,These simple Questions can do wonders for our study into the word.Take care brother. Love Chip M

  3. I am a member of Chip’s church and when I first came there I struggled with his tattoos. But after coming to know him and his commitment to God and His word. I soon realized that judgments on appearance or first impressions are not right and go against what the Word teaches (I.E James 2:1-4). Pastor Chip is a Godly husband and father of 7. He also is a called Elder, one of three, and truly committed to teaching the Word in the way described in 2Tim 4:1-5. He also fully meets the requirements laid out in 1Tim ch 3. My family and I pray for our pastors every day because of the attacks that come when you are truly teaching God’s word.

  4. Lev. 19:27 says (in para-phrase) That you should not shave. Like Lev 19:28 this passage of scripture was written to the Isrealites and is not our commandment today. We should still apply the practice of these scriptures if they have an effect on how we live spiritually. The fact is before doing ANYTHING we must ask ourselves “Would This be Pleasing to The Lord”? If there is ANY question in your mind about whether it would be pleasing to the Lord, DON’T DO IT. However, That being said, if it is not a sin and you can honestly say it’s right then I don’t have a problem with it
    -Mr. E

  5. Some food for thought:

    1. 2 Cor 3:16 says ALL scripture is profitable for doctrine, reproof, etc.. So while we do not practice the letter of these parts of the law of God, we should ask what principles are they seeking to teach?

    2. Are there other biblical principles that apply? The body is the temple of God? (new testament)

    3. Does the fact that the root of tatooing comes from paganism historically, 100 percent enter into your analysis?

    4. Does the fact that tatoos typically represent rebellion in our culture factor in?

    5. We are called not to love the world, neither the things of the world, and that we should be seperate from the things of the world.

    Finally, faith comes by what? By hearing the word of God.

    I am sure Chip is a Godly man, and loves his family. Just wanted to present another perspective in love. I think of the numerous worldly methodologies the Church has used in the past 50 years that have had the opposite of the good intentions at their inception.

    In Christ

  6. Thanks Mr Smith.
    I’m not here to judge Pastor Chip but I teach all of the kids in my circle of influence that tattoos and piercings are not profitable.1Cor6
    19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.Hey I got one a long time ago before my salvation and now I have to live with it. But I hope and pray none of my boys will ever follow my lead in this area.

  7. Some things speak for themselves: When my grown son turned away from the Lord – the first things he did was bleach his hair and get a tatoo.

  8. Well it is clear to see that we all have our own understanding on what tattoo’s are and who they may be for but for the record of this post I want to throw in some things.
    I know Chip personally, he was one of a few who sowed and watered the seed in my life which led to God giving the harvest in my life. I came to salvation 5 years ago by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. I was one of a few that use to tattoo Chip, he would come into the shop and for 2 years he would share with me Christ. It took alot out of him and alot away from his family but as he continued in his obedience to Jesus Christ he never gave up on me and his continueing to share the Word.
    After two long years (of his) God gave the increase and brought me to saving faith. I walked away from the tattoo seen and life style after a short time and many convictions. Paul P., I too no longer see these things as beeing profitable and do not incourage others to get them although I do still have the youth in our church ask questions and seek advice in these areas.
    I believe that tattoo’s are a personal conviction of the individual. (What are their motives?) After my many years of experiance in this subjuct and having to deal with the many scars I wear I would hope that ones convictions would drive them away from being tattooed but then again just as Chip, my self and many others we know – maturity in the Word will do it’s perfect work! We are examples.
    To look at me one will see the stains of the world, to look within me one will see the blood stains of Christ’s salvation. 2 Cor 5:17
    Ephesans 4:11-24.

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