These are the non-negotiable, unchanging, life changing truths that I Believe…I mean REALLY believe.
I believe God is in control of everything. He is sovereign in the world, in our lives, our marriages, and in our families. He is good all the time.
I believe Jesus is God’s only Son and the only means of salvation for all who would believe. There is no way to be saved except through faith in Him alone. He is God.
I believe the Holy Spirit lives within every believer. He is God.
I believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word and has real answers for everything we face and will face.
I believe that all who do not put their trust in Christ will spend eternity in hell separated from God.
I believe the Church is the body and bride of Christ. That God has equipped every single person within the body (including you and me) with gifts, talents, and abilities to serve one another. When the church functions as it should, the world looks on and says, “WOW!”
I believe that God’s plan for marriage is between ONE man and ONE woman…no exceptions.
I believe there is hope for every marriage. That no matter what the present state or past failures, God is able to heal them.
I believe that parenting is the single greatest ministry for those who are married and have children.
I believe that Satan is real and would love to destroy the family.