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Familyman Weekly-No Bemoaning

Hey Dad, I’m dragging a little today after my big birthday celebration yesterday, not that we painted the town (especially at my age)…it’s just that every single member of my family, including me, is under-the-weather. It’s nothing serious, just the…

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Familyman Weekly – Trash Talk

Hey Dad,


Tomorrow’s the big day…no, not our blast-off for the Big Loop Speaking tour*…no, not our two-day spot on Focus on the Family**…this is bigger and better. Tomorrow is our town’s BIG TRASH DAY!!!! (Echo, echo). I can hardly wait to load up all the big junk we’ve been saving for this annual ‘celebration.’ It’s just so…so…wonderful (sniff sniff).

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Marbles Matter

Hey Dad,

I’m not a math guy. I don’t do well with fractions, quadratic equations, or pi. I’m OK with counting, but that about does it.

But, here I am writing to you about math and fathering. Definitely, a Familyman first. In fact, I’ve been pondering math all week. It all started as I was tooling down the road listening to the radio.

The smooth voice on the other end explained how he was going to place a marble in a jar for every Saturday he had left of his expected life span.

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