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Get ’em Signed Up!

We've made it easy. Just print it off, leave it out for dads to sign, and then send it back. You can either email it back to me at or mail it to me at: Familyman 611 South Main…

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The Differences Between Women and Men

Names If Mary, Susan, Claire and Barbara go out for lunch, they will call each other Mary, Susan, Claire and Barbara. If John, Brad, Tony and Daniel go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Bruno, Scrappy, Peanut-Head…

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Suicide? Don’t do it dad!!

Hey Dad, All the world is a buzz about the suicide of Robin Williams. Not only was it tremendously sad, but it has given bloggers, writers, and news people new fodder for the 'info-glut' that clogs the web and fills…

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A Grandpa Needs Your Help!!

Hey Dad, Got this letter from the wife of fellow familyman, Claude Greulich. Read it an imagine that it was your 4 year old son. Kane Mason started out as a very normal little boy and lived his first 2 years learning…

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Happy Kid’s Day!!!

I have to admit there is satisfaction in having originated the holiday known as Kid’s Day, although I find it hard to believe that some well-meaning greeting card company hasn't come up with the idea to sell cards. I mean…

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Thank You Wal-Mart!

Dear Wal-Mart, As of last Monday my family and I spent the night in out 200th UNIQUE Wal-Mart (in our RV of course). All together we've probably spent close to 400-500 nights in your wonderful big spaces...and for that I…

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A Father’s Day Hint!

Hey Dad, Every good deed needs a little direction. This year we didn't leave Father's Day up to chance so we decided to give your family a little help. Here's what you do: accidentally forward this link to someone you…

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Two weeks till lift off

Hey Dad, How can it be that we are talking about firing up the Familyman Mobile already?!!! I just tucked it away fro the winter. But here we are...ready to begin another Family adventure. This is what I know for…

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