Rikki Coen – Eau Claire, WI
I live in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I went out on county land only 5 minutes from my house at 9:30am on opening day and shot my deer 2 hours later at 11:30am. It was a short day for me...
I live in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I went out on county land only 5 minutes from my house at 9:30am on opening day and shot my deer 2 hours later at 11:30am. It was a short day for me...
Here's what the forwarded email said...
"By the length of his beard and the grey legs, I figure he must be over 10 years old. He looks to be well over 8 feet at the top of the shoulder hump,and with his head up the height to the top of his antler must be about 12 feet .This guy is king of the forest, no bear or pack of wolves would dare come after him when he has this rack......Considering that a dirt road can fit 1 1/2 cars across ... this fellow is HUGE ...THIS IS ONE BIG BOY!
THE PICTURE WAS TAKEN IN ELLIOT LAKE ( Elliot Lake is near Sault Ste. Marie. MI in Michigan 's Upper Peninsula )
Yes it is a regular size dirt road."
OK, here’s the list of all the Christmas Movies known to modern dads. Do you have a favorite we’ve over-looked? My only criteria is that it be appropriate…and does not star the Olsan Twins.
Now I know most of these have nothing to do with the REAL meaning of Christmas but some are just plain fun…in the same way as CARS and FINDING NEMO is fun and offer great family fun.
Here’s the list so far:
Then on Thanksgiving another friend and I took our daughters and hit the mountains. After hiking for miles, Danielle and I caught sight of a fair buck and tried to sneak up on him. We got within 400 yards, but they kept starring at us, so I took a shot. Missed!
Sunday was the final day of the season and I received permission to hunt on the prairie. I jumped in the suburban after lunch and headed out. As promised there were nine deer just waiting for me to arrive. I began my approach when out of nowhere a shot rang out and away they went. I got in the rig and took off down the road. They settled down in the field and I stopped. With nothing to hide behind and the buck I wanted standing 300 yards away, I decided to use the hood of the suburban as a rifle rest and set my sights on this 3 x 3.
My son Caleb Stettler and his grandfather bagged this guy Thanksgiving Day in Walnut Cove, NC. We had been hunting all week trying to get each of the kids an opportunity. There was only one stand -- my dad's -- that was producing opportunities and it was my oldest son's turn to go with papa. The funny part is the club has deer antler restrictions and this guy did not make the cut, but was by far the biggest deer my son has had an opportunity to see let alone harvest. Calling from the box blind on his cell, my dad called me to see if it was the one saw the day before and he called the land owner. He got the green light and the rest is history. It was a nice ending to a crazy Thanksgiving. Sure glad the buck was in no hurry. I of course got in big trouble with my daughter (Katie). I would not let her shoot a younger 6 pt the day before from the same stand. I tried to make it up to her Friday after Thanksgiving. We had a doe come within 25 yards. She had some technical difficulties getting the gun shouldered -- I ASSUMED she was ready. Needless to say the deer spooked and that was that. It was cool though to see her nervous anticipation. The way I get everytime I see a deer in the woods.
As we ventured in I thought what I saw was another animal on the ground looking back. Grant immediately saw the outline of the deer and ran forward shouting “Poppa! You got him!”. When I caught up, I saw the largest 4 point I will ever likely see. He would’ve made a trophy 8 pt, but he lost his left rack and part of his ear, probably in a fight with another buck. We all commented that it would be nice to see that deer too.
The next day, Grant and I found the perfect spot for him to get a close shot. He waited patiently all day with me. At one point, I thought it wise to remind him how to set up his shot, where to aim and that he needs to prepare himself mentally to be ok IF he misses. We had spent some time at the range previously and I was pretty confident that he could hit a deer with a .410 slug at 30 yards but I felt the Lord’s prompting to add the character lesson too No sooner had I said that when a real 4 pointer walked out in the pasture right in front us, turned broadside and stared at us seemingly saying “Cheese!” for a photo. Grant had all day to set it up, took his time and slowly squeezed off his shot.