Day 16 – Chex Mix Anyone??
I have two weaknesses: my wife and Chex Mix, and I can’t seem to get enough of either one of them. I don’t know what it is about Chex Mix, but it seems to embody all that is good in the cooking world. Somehow the flavor is heightened because the snack is relegated to one glorious month of the year.
Occasionally, I’ll get a bag during the summer but it just seems wrong…like having a tall refreshing glass of Eggnog on a hot July 4th. But when we pass Thanksgiving, Chex Mix is like Manna from heaven. Give me a bowl full of Chex Mix, a tall glass of Diet Coke, and a Christmas video classic, and I’m happier than an elf in a candy cane factory.
It’s really the only thing I’ll cook the whole month of December, unless you count sugar cookies. I just made my first batch last night (mental note – pick up some more Worcestershire sauce). I’m thinking I’m going to need another batch in a day or two.
My kids like it too. But I think they like it for the secret ingredient that almost no other food has – dad-made. Yep, everyone knows dads make it better. Not to take anything away from my wife who is a far better cook…but there’s just something good about a food made by dad whether it’s popcorn, pancakes, stakes on the grill, or…Chex Mix.
Got a favorite Christmas specialty? Then make it tonight. Don’t have one? Can I make a suggestion? Chex Mix.
Don’t burn the kitchen down.
You ‘da Chef,
You put Worcestershire sauce in sugar cookies? mmmmmmmmm. :-)/