An RV Rental Success Story
Meet Joe!

Joe is a recruiting director in American Fork, Utah.
Here’s Joe’s story:
What do you do for a living?
I am a recruiting director.
Why did you decide to start renting your RV with RVshare?
My trailer was not being used as frequently as I would have liked. So we considered selling, however with no bites except for the low ball offers I was looking for an alternative to selling.
How long did it take for people to start inquiring on renting your RV?
It was less than a week for me.
How many rentals have you booked so far?
I have already completed three rentals, and have two more booked.
What’s the total amount of money those rentals added up to?
Total received so far is $1,500, and expecting an additional $600 before the month is out.
What were you expecting signing up for RVshare?
Not as high as my actual experience. I hoped for a couple of weeks being rented to augment my payments.
What concerns did you have about renting your RV?
I wondered if I would get requests, worried it was going to be a lot of work, but also wanted to get my costs of ownership paid for.
What are the biggest benefits of renting your RV?
It pays to rent!
Is there anything else you would like other RV owners to know?
It’s kind of fun hearing someone enjoyed your trailer.
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