Build the Barn!

Day Seven Barn building
Nothing happening today except the gas line was laid and Cal (11) and Jed (9) are now filling in the 100′ long and 2′ deep trench by hand. they’re awesome…and I think they’re gonna do it (with some $ motivation).
Day Six Barn Building
Today a bunch of the guys showed up…and got a ton done. Got all the windows placed, both doors in and windows cut out, and all the siding except the front is finished. The plumbing guys came in and roughed in the plumbing for a future bathroom and RV dump (I may have to await a year or two to use it…but it looks awesome). That night the boys and I installed all the ceiling light boxes and finished up the wires to them. Tomorrow they’ll put in the ceiling and blow in the insulation on top of it. I should then be able to get the lights installed but will still be waiting for power. I still feel overwhelmed by it all…but am glad they were able to work on it before we leave for the month of October.
Dad, I feel overwhelmed that many of you have given to make this possible. It feels way too nice for us and I’m trying not to get to excited about the idea of have some order back in our life and ministry. So Thanks for begin part of this. I do not take it or YOU for granted.
Day Five Barn Building
Today I had to take Abe to the orthodontist so I wasn’t here to see a two man crew set in two doors or finish up the outside of the Familyman Mobile Hanger. It looks good…and is proceeding along nicely. I think someone is coming tomorrow to rough in the floor plumbing.
Day Four Barn Building
No pictures today because not much has changed. I did get out my long ladder and Abe (16), Ike (18), and I ran some wires in the high ceiling for lighting and some ceiling fans. I needed to get it done before they enclose the high ceiling and blow in insulation. My boys were climbing around the rafters and the framing like old fashion Iron Monkeys…I guess that would my them Timber Monkeys. Tomorrow a couple of guys are supposed to show up to continue framing in and putting up siding.
Day Three Barn Building!!
Yeah doggy, these guys are good. Today they got the metal roof on, a few windows framed in, the RV sliding door hardware attached, and the “in between wall” done that goes between RV section and storage section. Wow…it looks great we just remembered we need to run some wires for lights before the put in the high ceiling and insulation.
Day Two Barn Building!!
They’ve got the sides framed in and the big roof trusses all done. man, they are fast. they even took a shot at one of our groundhogs. Talk about your full service provider!! By the way the builders are Pacemaker Buildings.
this part of the building is the storage part. It will eventually (next year or two) have a second floor.
Day ONE Barn Building!!
First day was amazing…they set all the posts!!! I asked Sam (22), “So how much would we have gotten done today? “Oh, maybe three posts,” he answered, “But they’d be crooked.”
Barn Video Update 9-20-2017 from Todd Wilson “The Familyman” on Vimeo.
Barn Video Update 4-19-2017 from Todd Wilson “The Familyman” on Vimeo.

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