AMEN…that is one of our biggest responsibilities as dads. My son Gavin will be 8 in August and I can’t believe how impressionable he is right now. He is already asking me when he can go hunting with me and has his own little collection of Nerf dart guns because he wants to be like me…he even asks for cinnamon drops on Sunday mornings because I like to suck on them during church. Todd, I’m praying for you and all the dads that read this. It is our duty as christians and as dads to lead by example if we want this world to change. Here is a link to another great song by Phillips, Craig, and Dean that sums it all up…enjoy
Like father like son. As a dad of 3 sons it is a great responsibly to raise them to be Godly men! Ones child is an extension of you. That is why you see yourself and your dad, in your sons. If you are observant you can see the same strengths and weakness’ in you in them! Your job as their father is to teach them the fear of the Lord, and help them overcome sin. Here is an example I was a jealous boy my mother and father worked hard for me to overcome this it was not easy but I did overcome this as a boy. Today as a grown man it is not an issue for me. Being a jealous child I know to be observant and if my boys show the same signs of jealousy I will work to correct it as my father and mother did! Yes it is a great responsibility that God holds you to!
Dont forget for the daughters too, Mark Schultz wrrote a good one reflecting the same. She Was Watching…
AMEN…that is one of our biggest responsibilities as dads. My son Gavin will be 8 in August and I can’t believe how impressionable he is right now. He is already asking me when he can go hunting with me and has his own little collection of Nerf dart guns because he wants to be like me…he even asks for cinnamon drops on Sunday mornings because I like to suck on them during church. Todd, I’m praying for you and all the dads that read this. It is our duty as christians and as dads to lead by example if we want this world to change. Here is a link to another great song by Phillips, Craig, and Dean that sums it all up…enjoy
Like father like son. As a dad of 3 sons it is a great responsibly to raise them to be Godly men! Ones child is an extension of you. That is why you see yourself and your dad, in your sons. If you are observant you can see the same strengths and weakness’ in you in them! Your job as their father is to teach them the fear of the Lord, and help them overcome sin. Here is an example I was a jealous boy my mother and father worked hard for me to overcome this it was not easy but I did overcome this as a boy. Today as a grown man it is not an issue for me. Being a jealous child I know to be observant and if my boys show the same signs of jealousy I will work to correct it as my father and mother did! Yes it is a great responsibility that God holds you to!