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Because She Matters

big dealHey Dad,

Just had one of those conversations with my wife…the kind I really don’t like. It usually starts with…“This is why I’m mad…at YOU.” Actually, I’m glad she talked to me because the alternative is prolonged ‘coldness’ with a  touch of bitterness.

This morning’s discussion had to do with…no, I’m not going to tell you. But I will say that it is a common thread, “She was bothered by something that I thought was no big deal.”

“Who cares?” my thinking goes. “It’s not that big of deal…why would that make you mad?”

But you know what? It should be big deal to me because it’s a big deal to her. I should care enough about my wife and what’s important to her to make those things important to me…because she is important to me.

So when she says, “Can you do this for me…this way?” I should try to do it her way because ITS IMPORTANT TO HER!! I could say, “Awe, it doesn’t have to be that way because it really doesn’t matter.” But if I do I’m not being a very caring husband.

I want to be that husband…I just hope I learn before I run out of time.

You need to be that kind of husband, too. Especially, as it relates to that thing your wife just asked you to do.

You ‘da dad,


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. That’s lovely, and I really wish men would think this way, but it’s been my experience (after 31 years of marriage) that it doesn’t work that way. Women are perceived as just “b++++ing” when they try to explain what and why things are important to them. Todd, you’re definitely a man in a million to honor your wife in this way. Hopefully you can get through to other men not to take their wives’ feelings and opinions for granted just because it isn’t “important” to them.

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