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Day 10 – The Familyman’s Gift Buying Guide (Wife Edition)

Hey Dad,

Just to let you know, we’ve got 20 days until Christmas…minus Christmas Eve…which leaves 19 days to get a gift for your wife. Now, I know plenty of dads who tell me they don’t get gifts for their wife, “We decided not to buy for each other.” They almost seem to boast about it…like it’s a good thing.

I hope you’re not one of those guys…because Christmas is about gift giving (think about the theological aspects of that thought). The way I see it, it’s a travesty to let the day go without getting a ‘token of affection’ for your wife. it’s not about having to buy something for your wife it’s about ‘getting’ to buy something for your wife…and it doesn’t have to be expensive.

I love thinking about what I can give my wife that will be a) something she’d enjoy and  b) something that will communicate how much I love her. A gift card, toaster, or a quick note telling her she can buy what she wants doesn’t suffice.

To achieve those goals I have to give it some thought and do a  little planning. In fact, I’ve got some ideas already for my bride and plan to hit the stores soon to get my Christmas shopping started.

Don’t have any ideas? Here is the Familyman’s Holiday Shopping Guide (wife edition):

1. Spend three minutes thinking. Ask these questions: what does my wife like to give to others? What is she ‘into’ right now? What gifts did she like of mine in the past?

2. Ask around. Ask your daughter, “What would, Mom like for Christmas?” Ask your sister-in-law or your wife’s best friend for ideas.

3. Don’t put it off. The longer you wait, the more frantic it becomes. Those first ideas don’t always pan out, and you may have to move on to other ideas.

4. Be extravagant. The sad truth is, we balk at spending too much on our wife, yet will spend double that on our car at the drop of a hat. Just think about it.

Ok, you’ve got your assignment…get going!!

You ‘da dad,


Need a little more help? Here are the…

Top 10 indicators that the gift you’re about to get your wife…is a really bad idea.

1. The item you’re holding looks vaguely familiar (you probably bought it last year)

2. It has a long cord and a five year warrantee.

3. It came from the bargain bin at Home Depot.

4. Your mother wears one just like it (especially true in nightgowns and swim wear).

5. You heard about it in the back of a hunting magazine.

6. You’re wife has warned you, “If you buy me one of those, I’m leaving you!!”

7. Your child says, “Dad, I’m not so sure about that one.”

8. It comes in your choice of “Biker Black” or “Bad Girl Blue”

9. The advertisement says, “Buy ONE – get SIX for FREE!!”

10. You saw it at the checkout counter at the corner gas station.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. years ago, the day before Christmas I was waiting in a long checkout line holding one of those excercise steps. The lady behind me said, “I hope you’re not buying that for your wife. If so, that’s a REALLY bad idea.” I said “but she really said she wanted one”. She responded “I still think you’re asking for trouble”. After thinking about if for a while, I put it back on the shelf and ended up going in a different direction.

  2. For my gift this year my husband let me order something I’ve been wanting for 3 years!! I found it on sale, with free shipping AND a discount code for buying online. Sweet! He told me he had been looking for one for me and not able to find it. It’s not available in stores. While I love getting gifts the things I want are generally too expensive for reality on our family of 6, homeschooling, one income budget. Scoring this on sale makes it extra sweet.

    Your suggestions are right on about who to ask, and the clues he may have picked something not quite right. Been there, got that. *cough* Apple juice and a candy cane from the convenience store. *cough, cough*

    Oh, and in our family filling the stocking is almost more important than giving a gift! Some things that don’t belong in a stocking for a wife include underwear or deodorant or those cheap jewelry sets from Walmart. The jewelry sets are one thing from the kids, a whole other ball game coming from the husband. Some things I’ve loved: Itunes gift card, Kit Kat (my favorite!), and books. I love books!

    Thanks Todd! Loved this list. 🙂 My husband enjoys your blogs.

  3. Just started getting your news letter the last couple of months. Really enjoy it. You can tell you write it and not your wife, kids or secretary cause it’s how I would write it if’d get my rear in gear. Short and to the point with small words. Made for the guys by the guy.

    Also, your list has answered a bunch of questions on why my wife lacks the joy I’m hoping for when she opens my Christmas gifts. No more Goodwill gift cards! ….Check.

    God bless.

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