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Happy Father’s Day, Dads of the World

Hey Dad,

In just a few days we’ll celebrate the second greatest day of the year (after Christmas of course)...Father’s Day.

Don’t getrockwell your hopes up, you’ll probably end up getting a Duck Dynasty coffee mug or a can of car wax. In fact, I won’t even add, “But it’s the thought that counts” because your family won’t put much thought into your day.

Truth is, it’s one of the holidays that no one really cares about. The greeting card stats show it, and we all know the ugly truth. On Mother’s Day Sunday every mom gets a flower in a cup or possibly a pink carnation as they leave the building, but Father’s Day…nothing.

But even if your family fails to say a single word of acknowledgement know this: You’ve done good!! 

We dads don’t need gifts, cards, carnations, or acknowledgement. That’s our job. We’re ‘da dads and the lack of acknowledgement heightens the honor of being called dad. We’re the unsung heroes of the world. We go unnoticed, unappreciated, and are the butt end of jokes on television sitcoms.

When an argument ensues everyone takes mom’s side and even when we try to do the right thing it often backfires and leaves us looking stupider that we did before.

We feel the tug every day between worldly success and family. We love our family more than anything but live with the guilt that we let them down more often than not. We want to be there for them, say the right words, hold them as they grow older, and cherish the days that pass so quickly…but then life comes, and so we live with guilt of all the should haves and should be doings.

But that’s what dads have done thought the ages, do right now, and will do until Jesus returns.

So Happy Father’s Day, Dad. Keep loving your family, asking forgiveness when you need to, and never give up. They may not say it, but they’re counting on you…and they love you so much. Years from now when they’re all old and wrinkled and they can remember little else, THEY WILL REMEMBER YOU.

You done good.


PS – Here’s a great Dad Tube video by Dove.

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