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Good Movie – The Croods

crugHey Dad,

One of the great things about having a $1 movie theater near us is that we can take all ten of the Wilson’s to the movies for $10 (cheaper on 75 cent Tuesdays). The movies are not the latest release but not too old.

Yesterday we were in the neighborhood and watched The Croods. It’s an animated movie by Dream Works and even though it’s not theologically correct (cavemen and all), it’s a great dad-movie.

I won’t ruin the story and tell you about it, but it’s the typical dad-child struggle where powerful lessons are learned on all sides. The great thing about the movie is that the relationship doesn’t become hateful and the dad (Crug) is a good dad…just trying to protect his family.

It got me and taught me a lesson that I have trouble remembering. Anyway, it’s good. If you can’t find a dollar movie theater…make sure you rent the DVD when it comes out.

I give it the Familyman’s Seal of Approval!!

You ‘da dad,


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hey Todd,
    I saw this when it came out with my family and my sister and her family. Me and my enormous, power-lifting brother-in-law were both crying near the end. That is a great depiction of a dad trying to do his best. I hope to be so sacrificial as I lead my own clan.

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