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Worst Christmas Traditions for Dads

  1. Falling through the ceiling while rummaging in the attic for the decorations.
  2. Stepping in figgy pudding in a dark hall at night (Thanks, Rover)
  3. Sending out 200 Christmas cards and then hearing postage rates went up two weeks before.
  4. Fourthmeal at Taco Bell on Christmas Eve!
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Top 10 Things You Hate to Hear on an Airplane

  1. This is your captain speaking. I don’t mean to alarm anyone, but if the child out on the starboard wing belongs to anyone, would you please alert the flight attendant?
  2. I’m sorry sir but you have one more child than you have tickets for.
  3. Boy, Dad, you sure made a loud noise in the bathroom…and what is that smell?
  4. Dad, wasn’t there an engine attached to the wing when we took off?
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