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35th Anniversary of the Blizzard of ’78

Hey Dad,

A chill still runs up my spin when I see the scene in Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer when Sam the snowman says, “and then it HIT!!!” Of course he’s talking about the blizzard that almost ended Christmas…and set Rudolph up to be the hero.

It always reminds me of the Blizzard of ‘78 also known as the Great Blizzard of ‘78. Man, it was great too. As a kid in the seventh grade I didn’t care about all the people who died…I just loved the snow.

It really set the high-water mark in my snow-life. In fact, theirs nothing that can be compared to it…and yet, every snow is compared to it. When we see a big snow drift in our yard I almost always say, “Back in ‘78 we had a drift on the big picture window at Grammy and Granddads that went all the way to the roof.

The kids look on in wonder.

It’s snowing right now as I write, nothing much to write home about…but in every child’s mind there is that hopes that it might turn into the next big snow that will be talked about for decades. I know I’m hoping.

And on this day, the 35th anniversary of the Great Blizzard of ‘78…I’m remembering and hoping a little harder.

So, make sure you wish your kids a Happy 35th and then tell them the stories you remember of the big snow.

You ‘da dad,


PS – For a great snowy video check out “the Snowman.” Once you get by the wierdness is grows on you.

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