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A Musical Christmas – animated short

Merry Christmas from Familyman Ministries

Just because I know you’re going to ask…

The short was created by my son, Sam (17) using the industry standard software – Maya. It took him about 4 months to create from start to finish. He does most of the artwork on this website. Need a little artwork or an animated scene for a project you’re working on? Sam is your man.

This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. Wow, very nice! A nice reminder that sometimes we need to “be still”. Great job, Sam. Although be aware you may have just given the toy companies some ideas 🙂

  2. Wow!, Sam- great job! (And what a privilege to be among the first to get to see it.) Entertainingly presented substance, cool animation and sound/ music, and powerfully delivered message- you’ve got what it takes, man! God has blessed you with this gift.

  3. Todd, Isn’t nice to be proud of your children; to see them grow up and learn to use their giftings.
    Many blessings to the Wilson household this season!

  4. This is Sam’s best so far! We have a “Christmas Orchestra” that grows by one every year. The boys love to bring them out and turn them all on at once. How appropriate this short film was to remind them who the party is for. Thanks Sam. Well done.

  5. Fantastic job, Sam! There are very few things that “cut through the noise during the Christmas season. You have an amazing future ahead of you!

  6. Sam,

    What a blessing it was to enjoy your masterpiece! I see a new Holiday classic in the making! 🙂 God has truly gifted you in a special way, and I am glad that you have the opportunity it share it with us!

  7. Very good message! We all need to remember to not let the commercialism get in the way of the true meaning of Christmas. Good Job!

  8. Great work! Keep it up, we need people with good, biblical founding creating entertainment that’s good for the whole family.

  9. Great work! His skills get better each time! Loved the short, the attention to detail and the overall message. Keep up the good work Sam! Can’t wait to see how the Lord is going to use this talent!

  10. Wonderful, wow, I am so impressed with his ability. It will be interested to see how God uses his talents. Keep up the good work.

  11. Really enjoyed watching this Sam. When the baby was put on the table I actually got a tear in my eyes. LOL Kind of surprised me because it was an animation but it got to me!!! LOL Great work. Such talent. Merry Christmas to the Wilson family!!!

  12. The robot was killer funny but what a beautiful, clever way to reveal what is really in Sam’s heart. Great job Same:)

  13. I watched this after visiting some sites where one long time believer had just ‘left’ the bible because he ‘discovered’ is was ‘a dark and sinister plot against man’ …another site where men complain about the church being ‘feminized’ and therefore are complaining about women, and another site where marriages are breaking apart increasingly due to infidelity.

    It was a very sad time for me as I have too been abused by a ‘cult’ which claimed to revere the Bible…been at the beginning of my walk many years ago kidnapped by some ‘believers’ who led me to the Lord….been shunned by family …found friends disloyal and wishy washy about the faith …and a husband who led a double life.

    I suppose not many would believe what I just posted but indeed this has been my walk and testimony …That the LORD is true…loyal and sustains hope in His words…His word is the final determiner of what is love, hope, peace and eternity

    This video was very powerful ..It tells the bottom line truth …There is peace in Jesus Christ that the world knows not

    Thank you for a very needed uplifting message in a very dark and unstable world.

    I pray that your efforts will bring about much fruit for the cause of the truth in Christ Jesus the Lord and Savior of all who put their trust in HIM

  14. I ALWAYS gather our family together to watch your video as a special treat! We all agree this time you have outdid yourself in every way. The message is awesome! Thank you and Merry Christmas, from Salem, Oregon.

  15. Last night I gathered the family into the living room for a Christmas Bible Study but before we started I told them I had something I wanted them all to see. They were very impressed and very excited about the power of your short production. It really is a masterpiece. It accomplishes a needed message in such a clear and simple way – and powerful way. May God use it mightily. Thanks Sam for all the diligent labor you put into it.

  16. A classic. Our boys recognized it immediately. After watching respectfully to the end, they are now imitating the toys, which requires the use of the entire living room. OH, now they have dragged out our own “Christmas Orchestra” consisting of barking, singing and ho-ho-hoing battery operated toys. I believe it is time for a discussion of the true meaning of Christmas. Thanks Sam!!

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