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Help! I’m Married to a Homeschooling Mom

A practical, how-to-book for dads that will show you how to be your homeschooling wife’s leader, encourager, helper, listener, and more. Short, quick-reading chapters and hilarious cartoons will guide you through the process of learning how to support your home-schooling wife. (Now available in Canada)

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. As the homeschooling mom, I loved this book and made sure to leave it in the bathroom where hubby would find it. I’m ordering one for my brother-in-law. My sister has a birthday and this would be the best gift I can give her… A book that I know her husband will take to heart… and just maybe some of these great tips will help him to help her. Guys, this is the book we want you to read!!! It also comes in audio…
    Thank-you Todd…

  2. Todd, thanks for writing this easy to read and funny book that helps husbands help their wives. My husband isn’t a “reader,” but he really enjoyed reading a chapter of this book every night. This book gave him concrete ideas of how to help me and our family function better.

  3. I came home from work, the house was a wreck, I was discouraged, I went to bed. “Help!” had been at my bedside since the homeschool convention in February but I’d only read the cartoons. I just read it in one evening and now I feel encouraged. I am going to buy this book in bulk and hand it out or ship it to the homeschool dads that I know. Thank you!

  4. I bought this book to read for myself. My husband, unfortunately, wouldn’t read it – I sort of timidly suggested it, but as a stay home Mom, he believes I have it “perfect”….I’m not gonna go there (sigh), he insists I homeschool, but drains me of the stamina to do it ALL THE TIME…with just about all the unrealistic expectations you list in the beginning, plus several of his own….

    Anyway, I loved reading it. It rested and encouraged me knowing that “somebody” out there at least understands – even if it isn’t my husband. I’m on anti-anxiety meds, tranquilizers and prescription sleep aids at this point in my life. I am hoping it won’t last forever.

  5. A must read for every homeschool dad!! I had my doubts when my wife brought this back from the conference last week, but your humor was really the spoon full of sugar I needed to get my medicine down. My wife and I laughed at all of the situations we deal with as you outlined them verbatim in your book. Your book helped me to understand my role in the homeschool process, and really gave me an appreciation for what my wife goes through daily. You have helped me to get from frustration in my wife to pride. It has spurred several very serious conversations around areas where I NEED to support her. Thanks for your book, your humor, your tact, and your ministry. I have several other HOHMs that I will be giving this to as well. A quick, easy and hilarious read.

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